《What does he look like》教案4

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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中教案 / 七年级下册教案
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  • 资源大小: 46 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/24 21:46:52
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 资源提供: renheren [资源集]
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  Boonit7 What does he look like?
  Ⅰ Analyse the contents
  1、 Unit 7是继之Review of units 1-6之后的一个教学内容的新授单元。本单元的话题是描述人物的外部特征。而它的下一个单元(即Unit8)是本单元的发展——描述人物的个性特征。新教材是由易到难,由浅入深,以滚雪球的方式编排的。在本单元,所设计的各项活动都是学生在老师的指导下,在真实的语言环境中体会语言、运用语言、感受语言、品语言进而创造性的运用语言,表达自己的思想。
  2、Main points:
  a. To get the students to learn and master adjectives of general description , like ,tall ,start ,curly ,straight ,thin ,heavy ,and so on 
  b. To get the Ss to master target languages  ,like ,What do you look like? I’m short and I have long straight hair
  What does he/she look like? He’s heavy and she’s thin
  c. To train the students four skills-listening ,saying ,reading and writing
  3、Difficult points
  To  train the students  abilities of using target languages to communicate and writing.
  Ⅱ  Teaching purpose
  1、Basic knowledge
  a. To learn and master descriptive words like, tall ,short, thin ,heavy ,curly, straight, bald ,blonde, medium build, hair,  beard, mustache , and so on
  b.  Get the students to describe their own and people’s appearance , using the following
  What do you look like? I’m short And I have curly hair
  What do they look like? They ’re medium height
  And they have short hair
  What does he look like?  He’s heavy and he wears glasses
  She’s thin and she has long hair
  c. Never judge people by their appearance
  2、Training skills
  To train the students four skills-listening saying reading and writing
  To train the students abilities of using target languages to communicate , and catching main information in reading and writing
  Ⅲ  Idea of design     
  Ⅳ  Teaching method    小组活动  角色扮演
  Ⅴ  Teaching tools     录音机   自制图片
  Section  A 
  Ⅵ  Teaching procedures
  Step 1 play the game   “Touch the parts of body”

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