《Online travel》教学案

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  8B Unit3  Online travel 教学案
  课题 8B Unit 3  Comic strip& Welcome to the unit
  知识目标 1. 生词: online, television, channel.
  2. 短语: remote control, turn on, look like
  1. 引出本单元主题
  2. 激活现有词汇并掌握与主题有关的生词
  情感目标 谈论电脑的用途
  学习重点 1.  引出本单元主题2.  激活现有词汇并掌握与主题有关的生词
  学习难点 谈论电脑的用途
  1. 预习生词和短语remote control / turn on / channel / online / television.  读Comic strip三遍.
  2. 讨论
  Do you like playing computer games?
  What kind of computer games do you like to play? Can you give some examples?
  Why do you like it?
  Do you think these games are good or bad for you?
  3. 学习电脑用途(41页A部分)
  4.  读41页B部分三遍 
  1. 组内检查生词和短语的学习情况
  remote control/ turn on / channel/ online/ television/ look like
  2.  听录音跟读Comic strip
  3.  小组分角色朗读并表演Comic strip
  What do Eddie and Hobo think the computer look like?
  Do you know what the remote control really is?
  4. 根据课本40页对话填空。
  Hobo thinks the computer _______ _______ a television.Eddie thinks the mouse is the _________ ________ . They ________ _________ the ‘television’, and want to use the mouse to _________ _________ ___________, because they think that one is boring.
  5.  讨论what do you use the computers for?根据图片说出电脑的用途。
  6. 讨论 the uses of computers in Part B.
  have no idea, search for, design, find out, turn on
  1. He ________ where I lived by asking my old friend. Mike.
  2. Where is your brother? He _________ the document in his room.
  3. George _______ a new bridge in a few weeks.
  4. Please tell John _______ the computer first.
  5. The boy ________ what you mean.
  1. I have no idea. (改为同义句)
  2. I think it’s a television. (改为否定句)
  3. I don’t like this channel because it’s boring. (对画线部分提问)
  A: What is it?
  B: Guess! ___1____ It’s made of wool or cotton. You wear it on your head.
  A: It’s a hat.
  B: Well done. Next question. It looks like a television. It is used for studying. ___2_____.
  A: It’s a computer.

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