《Online Travel》ppt9

  • 手机网页: 浏览手机版
  • 资源类别: 译林牛津版 / 初中课件 / 八年级下册课件
  • 文件类型: ppt, doc, mp3
  • 资源大小: 15.38 MB
  • 资源评级:
  • 更新时间: 2011/4/12 15:43:40
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 资源提供: zhqer [资源集]
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  8B Unit 3 Online Travel
  Integrated skills
  Teaching Plan
  (Zhang xiangjin    Puchang Middle School)
  Teaching aims:
  (1) Knowledge aims:
  To learn the new words, such as daily, course, tour, package, cover, order, simple, etc.;
  To listen and understand the content and theme of the educational CD-ROM;
  To learn the useful expressions to ask for help.
  (2) Ability aims:
  To get useful information from the listening materials;
  To be able to use proper expressions to ask for help.
  (3) Emotional aims:
  To talt the positive and negative aspects in using computers for study;
  To arouse the interest in learning and using English.
  Teaching main points:
  (1) To listen and get useful information from the listening materials;
  (2) To ask for help using the new words and expressions properly.
  Teaching difficult points:
  (1) To catch useful information during listening;
  (2) To use the new language knowledge to ask for help slly;
  (3) To talt using computers in study naturally.
  Teaching methods:
  (1) Situational teaching method;
  (2) Task-based teaching method;
  (3) Communicative teaching method.
  Teaching procedures:
  Step1. Lead-in
  1. Listen to an English song “Big World”;
  2. Play the game “Around the world in eight hours”.
  Step2. Presentation (Level 1)
  Present the new words combining some situation and pictures:
  tour, daily, course, cover, topic, order, package, etc.
  Step3. Listening for Part A1
  1. Listen to the tape for two times.
  2. Check the answers.
  Step4. Listening for Part A2 (Level 2)
  1. Present the icons from known to unknown;
  2. Guess the icons and the relative functions by students themselves;
  3. Listen to the tape;
  4. Check the answers;
  5. Practice in pairs:
  A: When you double-click on the … icon, what will happen?
  B: I can …
  Step5. Speak up (Level 3)

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