《I want to be an actor》教案3

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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/24 23:26:51
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  Unit 4  I want to be an actor.
  Language goal
  In this unit, students learn to talt jobs.
  New language
  What do you do? I'm a reporter
  What does he do.' He's a student.
  What do you want to be? I want to be an actor .
  What does she want to be? She wants to be a police officer
  names of jobs and professions
  Section A
  Brainstorm with students a list of jobs that friends or relatives do. ("Brainstorming" is an activity in which you set a topic and students say whatever words they can think of relating to that topic.) Write the word jobs on the board and list all the jobs students mention.
  Point to the jobs one by one and asdents to say what ever they can about these jobs. Accept single word answers or simple sentences such as, It's fun. It's a good job.
  la   This activity introduces the key vocabulary.
  Focus attention on the art. Asdents to tell what they see in each scene. Asdents to name as many of the jobs shown as they can. Then point to a scene, name the job, and asdents to repeat.
  Point to the numbered list of words. Say each one and asdents to repeat.
  Then asdents to match each word wllfa one of the scenes. Say, Write the letter of each scene next to one of the ivords. Point to the sample answer.
  1 b    This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.
  Point to the different people shown in the picture.Ass students to tell what they do as you point to each one,
  Say, Now you will hear three conversations. The conversations are about three of the people in this picture.
  Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.
  Play the recording a second time. This time asdents to write a number 1 next to the person being talt in conversation 1. Have students put a 2 and 3 next to the people being talt in conversations 2 and 3.
  Correct the answers.
  1 c    This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language-
  Asdent to read the example conversation with you. Hold up the book and point to the doctor in the picture.
  Say, Now work with your partner. Mar own conversations about the picture. You can use sentences like the ones in activity 1b.
  Say a dialogue with a student. Point to a picture of one of the people. Guide the student to answer using one of the words in activity 1a.

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