《Our Clothes》教案2

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  Unit 8 Our Clothes
  Topic 3 
  Section A
  1.(1)Learn the names of the festivals:
  the Spring Festival, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Lantern Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, Easter
  (2)Learn some useful words and expressions:
  get together, potato, mark, sweet, luck, riddle, honor, send, believe
  2.(1)Talt holidays and festivals:
  Chinese people mamplings and perform lion and dragon dances.
  People in many countries celebrate Christmas and give each other presents.
  (2)Talt customs and culture:
  On Thanksgiving, many people eat roast turkey. On Lantern Festival, people eat sweet dumpling for good luck .
  1. Talt holidays and festivals.
  2. Talt customs and culture.
  1. Talt holidays and festivals.
  2. Talt customs and culture.
  S5: It’s Lantern Festival.
  T:   What’s the date today?
  S:   It’s June 6th.
  T:   When is your birthday, ××?
  ××: It’s May 18th.
  T:   How did you celebrate your birthday?
  ××: I had a birthday party. I celebrated it with my friends. They gave me some presents.
  T:   Do you know when my birthday is? Guess.
  S1:   December 1st.
  S2:   November 11th.
  S3:   ...
  T:   My birthday is on lunar October 12th. I hope I can celebrate my birthday with you.
  T: What’s the date?
  S1: It’s Sept. 10th.
  S2: It’s Dec. 25th.
  S3: It’s Dec. 31st.
  S4: It’s January 29th, lunar January 1st.
  S5: It’s February 12th, lunar January 5th.
  T: They are dates of some festivals. Please name these festivals.
  S1: It’s Teachers’ Day.
  S2: It’s Christmas.
  S3: It’s New Year’s Eve.
  S4: It’s Spring Festival.
  Step 1  Presentation
  T: There are a lot of festivals. To celebrate them, we eat some special foods and take part in some special activities. Please listen to the tape, read the passage carefully, and fill in the chart.
  Festivals Date Food Activities
  Spring Festival January/February dumplings perform lion and dragon dances
  Christmas December 25th / give each other presents
  Thanksgiving the 4th Thursday in November roast turkey and potatoes families get together for a big dinner
  Lantern Festival lunar January 15th sweet dumplings watch the lantern show and guess riddles
  Step 2  Consolidation 
  1.T: I want to divide you into four groups. Try to answer the questions. The group which answers the most questions is the best group.
  T: When is Spring Festival?
  S: It’s in January or February.
  T: What food do Chinese people eat on Spring Festival?
  S: Dumplings.
  T: How do people celebrate it?
  S: Perform lion and dragon dances.
  T: ...?
  S: ...

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