《Our Clothes》教案

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  • 资源类别: 仁爱版 / 初中教案 / 八年级下册教案
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  • 资源大小: 534 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/7 11:08:11
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  Unit 8 Our Clothes
  Topic 1
  Section A
  1. Learn some new words:
  silk, plastic, cotton, scarf, jeans, handbag, hat
  2. Learn the structures of  “so…, so…that…” :
  (1) I liked it a lot, so my father bought it for me.
  (2) My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.
  3. Understand how to ask for help:
  (1) Could you tell me where to buy a scarf ?
  (2) Thanks. And what about hats?
  1.Review the usage of the object clause.
  2.Learn different types of clothes and communicate with others about clothes using simple sentences.
  3.Learn“be made of”.
  Learn “be made of”.
  T: Boys and girls, today we will have a lesson about clothes. I think it is useful for you. You must be interested in them. Look at here, what’s in my hand? Oh, yes, there are many cards about clothes in my hand. You should speat the names of these clothes quickly as soon as I take them out. Are you ready?
  Ss: Yes.
  coat     ,  blouse      ,  pants    ,  shirt       ,  raincoat      ,  dress      ,
  sunglasses          ,  sweater        ,  jacket        
  T: Good! You have remembered many names of clothes. Are you happy?
  Ss: Of course.
  2. (教师用手中的卡片,学习有关询问服装质地的表达。并板书句型。)
  T: We have learnt so many words about clothes. Today we will learn the expressions about what is your clothes made of.
  Now let’s learn Unit 8 topic1
  Step 1  Presentation
  T: Well done. Now let’s come to 1a. First loor classmates. What did you find? Oh, you can find they are wearing different kinds of clothes. What nice clothes! Can you guess what Maria is wearing today? If you want to know it, please listen to the tape carefully.
  What is Maria wearing?
  What’s it made of ?
  What does Jane want to buy?
  T: Who wants to answer the first question?
  S1: She is wearing a Chinese Tang costume.
  T: OK. Next question?
  S2: It’s made of silk.
  T: Good! The last question?
  S3: She wants to buy some new clothes.
  2.  T: Look at 1a, and listen to the dialog again, then follow the tape to imitate it. 
  look great — What a nice coat! — a Chinese Tang costume — feel soft — so… that… — buy some new clothes — have a fashion show
  3. Use the pictures of 1b and teach “be made of ”by questions.
  1.—Hi, xxx. You look so smart today. What a nice blouse!
  —What’s it made of?
  —It’s made of silk.
  2.—Hi, xxx. You look so smart today. What nice sunglasses!
  —What are they made of?
  —They are made of plastic.
  Step2  Consolidation
  1.Listen to the dialog in 1a.Answer these questions:
  ①What are Jane and Maria talking about?
  ②What is Maria’s Chinese Tang costume made of?
  ③What will they do after talking?

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