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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/3 13:51:36
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  英 语 试 卷
  第I卷 ( 选择题,共100分)
  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)
  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. China will be a________country in the middle of next century.
  A. high-developing    B. high-developed    C. highly-developing    D. highly-developed
  2. It’s nearly ten o’clock and Father is__________to walk in at any moment.
  A. possible        B. maybe         C. likely           D. probable
  3. The representatives of the two parties_________,so the plan was not passed.
  A.came into collision       B.came true       C.came into being      D. came to an end
  4. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and_________.
  A. the other is white   B. another white     C. the other white    D. another is white
  5. -------I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.
  -------Impossible. She________TV with me in my home then.
  A.watched          B.had watched       C.would watch      D. was watching
  6. __________makes the school famous is_________more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities.
  A. What; because   B. That; because    C.That; what      D. What; that
  7. A lot of children __________ between four and sixteen were invited to the special party.A. separating        B. dividing         C. standing       D. ranging
  8. I used to be a very delightful girl. I guess no human being could have passed______childhood.
  A. a happy        B. a happier        C. the happier     D. the happiest
  9. _______the people have become masters of their country_______science can really serve the people.
  A. It is only then, that   B. It was that ; when   C. It is only when; that  D. It was when; then
  10. The book was written in 1946,________the education system has witnessed great changes.
  A. when          B. during which      C. since then     D. since when
  11. The train’s late arrival made________quite impossible to get to Shanghai before eleven.
  A. them          B. it              C. this           D. what
  12. The score in the game was 3 to 2 to us, __________, we won the game!  A. in general       B. that is      C. on the other hand       D. as a whole
  13. ———How about going to the cinema this evening?   ———__________, but I’ve got some work to do.  A. All right       B. I can’t      C. That sounds great      D. No, I am terribly sorry14. Plastics and other similar rubbish that does not_____may not be thrown into the sea .
  A. break down      B. break away     C. break off       D. breagh
  15. The importance of saving gas_______be stressed too much.Automobiles use up some 70 billion gallons of gas a year.
  A. cannot          B. mustn’t        C. shouldn’t       D. may not
  16. The boy sat on a bench, completely_______in a picture-book.

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