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  • 更新时间: 2011/3/25 22:26:09
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  出题人:苏彬 吴春芳 审题人:汪良明
  (考试时间120分钟  满分150分)
  第一部分   听力(共三节,满分30分)
  第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分 5分)
  1. What does the woman want?
  A. A cup of coffee.      B. A cup of tea.    C. A cup of coke.
  2. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers?
  A. Teacher and student.  B. Workmates.     C. Classmates.
  3. What does the woman think of the man?
  A. He is crazy.            B. He is funny.       C. He is drunk.
  4. Who is taking a shower now?
  A. The father             B. Jenny            C. Nobody.
  5. What does the man mean?
  A. The woman failed to pass the exam.     B. The woman may not fail this time.
  C. The woman is not good at her studies.
  第二节(共10小题;每小题1 分,满分10分)
  6. What is the man doing?
  A. Looking for his passport.  B. Packing food.   C. Packing clothes
  7. What will the man probably do next?
  A. Check his desk.          B. Call Jenny.     C. Call Ann.
  8. Who was the man sitting in the sitting room last night?
  A. The woman’s friend.     B. Mike’s friend.    C. A neighbor of the woman.
  9. What happened to the man who was sitting in the sitting room?
  A. He lost his job and had nowhere to live.  B. He was driven out by his parents.
  C. He was driven out by his friend.
  10. What does the woman mean?
  A. The man will find a good apartment soon. B. The man may not find a job soon.
  C. The man will stay with her and Mike for a long time.
  11. How does the man feel now?
  A. Hungry.           B. Thirsty.        C. Tired
  12. When did the speakers’ mother set off to the supermarket?
  A. About fifteen minutes ago.  B. About half an hour ago.
  C. About forty-five minutes ago.
  13. What does the man probably like?
  A. Bread.        B. Milk.        C. Hot dogs.
  14. What do we know about Tom?
  A. He has become rich.   B. He is selling cars.   C. He is often in a suit.
  15. What does the woman think of Tom?
  A. Talented            B. Ugly.              C. Common.

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