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  • 更新时间: 2011/3/21 19:17:04
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  命题:许国华 吕昕煜 韩露 张若婷  审题:赵芳
  第一部分    英语知识运用
  第一节    语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1.  According to tradition in some countries,         wedding ring is worn on the left ring
  finfer , which is believed to be directly connected to the heart ,         symbol of love.
  A. a; the        B. the; a        C.the; the      D.   a;a
  2.---How do you find the movie Avatar by James Cameron.
  ---           I can’t think too highly of it.
  A.It’s not to my taste                             B. It all depends
  C. Quite by accident                             D.It’s really wonderful
  3.  With the country’s population increasing to 1.3 billion, many of China’s rivers, including
  the legendary Yellow River_________.
  A.is drying up B.will be drying up C.had dried up D.are drying up
  4.  It’s the same in China --- many people, ________ some are not overweight at all, are
  always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills, ________ are often dangerous.
  A. whose; which B. of which; who C. of whom; which D.of whom; that
  5.  _______ seen the film, so everyone wants to see it.
  A. As nobody has                        B. All the students haven’t 
  C. None of us has                        D. Any students haven’t
  6. --- I don’t think it wise to spend so much money on the project.
  --- That’s true. _______ the cost, it will take a long time.
  A.Apart from   B.Rather than     C.Together with   D.But for
  7.  It was not until _______ that I knew the truth.
  A. you told me   B. did you tell me   C. had you told me   D. you have told me
  8.  The TV Dwelling Narrowness is really fantastic. The show has succeeded in _____ much
  to the audience, which has contributed to its success.
  A. giving away   B. going through    C. laying aside     D. getting across
  9.  How time flies! _______ we enter college!
  A. Before long                          B. It will be long before 
  C. It will be long that                  D. It won’t be long before
  10.  Written in a hurry,__________. How can it be satisfactory?
  A.they found many mistakes in the report

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