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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/1 14:01:26
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  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  1.Jenny found in music _______ peace which was missing in _______ world full of challenges.
  A./; the     B./; a    C.a; the    D.the; a
  2.  — Oh, so many Christmas cards! You must have many friends, ______?
  — Yes, quite a lot. They’re now in different parts of China.
  A. can’t you         B. don’t you
  C. haven’t you        D. mustn’t you
  3. As a teacher rich in experience, he knows how to ________  his ideas to these new students in a limited period of time.
  A.convey B.educate C.pass D.convince
  4.  _______ the 2000 Asian Cup will be held was already decided on Saturday. Only two of the AFC’s 16 members were for China. 
  A. If   B. Where   C. When  D. That
  5.  Driving on the highway ______ be very dangerous, so you ______ be too careful.
  A.should; ought to  B.could; should C.might; mustn’t  D.can; can’t
  6. ---- Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please?
  ---- _______, sir. What's it then?
  A. Just a minute       B. It's very nice of you
  C. That's all right       D. At your service
  7. –---I’m losing my eyesight, I’m afraid.
  -----To finish this boo ______ in front of your computer too long.
  A.work    B.are working    C.have been working    D.worked
  8.How can you expect to make progress ______ you never listen in class?
  A.before B.until C.though D.when
  9. It is known to all that every minute ____ full use of____ the lessons will benefit students a great deal.
  A.which madying              B.when made; to study
  C.that made; to study                D.which is made; studying
  10.  — I never see your father at home when I come. 
  —He’s always busy with ______.
  A. one thing or another B. one thing or the other
  C. one another thing   D. one after other things
  11.It is the education ____________ he received when studying abroad _________ has made him such an excellent manager.
  A.that, that B.that, which C.what, that D.which, which
  12.  Mother told Jim to watch the milk until it boiled and then _________ off the gas.
  A. turn   B. turning  C. turned   D. having turned
  13.-Have you been acquainted with each other for long?
  -Not very long, ____________ we started to work in the company.
  A.after B.before C.when D.since
  14.It is well known that the Internet will let people have __________ to huge amounts of information from their own homes.
  A.entrance B.way C.means D.access
  15.The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made ____________.
  A.on the spot B.on the site C.on the location D.on the ground

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