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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 579 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/3 13:05:31
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共100分)
  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)
  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. —Did you enjoy your journey to Beijing last weekend?w(w w.ks&5 u.c*o m
     —      . We had driven more than 3 hours before we found the right way.
  A. Absolutely      B. No way         C. Not at all         D. With pleasure
  2. —Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to        Science Museum around here?
   —Sorry. There isn’t          Science Museum nearby, I’m afraid.
  A. /; /             B. the; a           C. the; the          D. a; one
  3. The lawyer advised him to drop the        , since he stood little chance to win.
  A. event           B. incident         C. case             D. affair
  4. _____ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.
  A. However the weather is like          B. However is the weather like
  C. whatever is the weather like         D. Whatever the weather is like
  5. When it was his turn to deliver his speech,        , he walked towards the microphone.
  A. nervously and embarrassingly          B. nervous and embarrassedly
  C. nervously and embarrassing           D. nervous and embarrassed
  6. —What are you busy with?
  —The conference _______ in our city next week.
  A. held     B. will be held   C. be holding   D. to be held
  7. —Amazing! You        wear slippers at work.
   —Don’t you know it’s a fashion?
  A. must            B. should           C. can             D. may
  8. Many people can’t learn any lessons from the mistakes they’ve made        they get hurt somehow.
  A. whether         B. unless            C. if              D. as
  9. I have no dreams _______ to have a happy life.
  A. rather than    B. better than   C. other than    D. less than
  10. —Have you got used to the Chinese food, Huang Yan?
  —Yes, but I hate ________ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don’t like.
  A. this            B. that              C. those            D. it
  11. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars   __ ___  road
  conditions need         .
  A. that; improving                    B. when; improving
  C. where; to be improved        D. which; to be improved
  12. Many people have telephoned the travel agency,         for further information about a tour to Taiwan.
  A. asked           B. to ask            C. asking           D. having asked
  13. The big earthquack, and the island was immediately      from the world.
  A. cut down        B. cut out            C. cut in           D. cut off
  14. My parents don’t care         my pocket money goes, but one thing is sure: the money spent must be worthwhile.
  A. why            B. when      C. where           D. how
  15. So absorbed        in her work that she didn’t realize it was time to pick up her daughter.
  A. she was         B. was she            C. did she          D. she did
  16. I would have called you up for help had it been possible, but I      your phone number then.
  A. hadn’t had       B. didn’t have         C. shouldn’t have     D. couldn’t have
  17. —Sir, I haven’t found a more suitable job for me so far.
  A. I’m glad you like it so much.             B. That’s all right for you.

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