《How was your schooltrip》教案
- 资源简介:
Unit8How was your schooltrip?教案
I. 课前分析:
本单元主要围绕学校郊游这一话题,让学生大量练习过去式的用法。Section A主要谈论郊游中有趣的事情, Section B 谈论倒霉的或无聊的事情。让学生体会不同的情况下如何表达自己的感受。在教学设计中要注意由易到难,循序渐进的进入,避免操之过急给学生造成学习障碍。
II. 学情分析:
III. 解决方法:
IV. Teaching Aims:
1. Knowledge Target:
a. Inspire the students to enlarge their visual field about all kinds of activities.
b. Encourage students to talt events in the past freely and happily.
2. Ability Target:
a. Help the students to improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially listening and speaking.
b. Make the students have a further impression of simple past form.
Moral Target:
a. Inspire the English--learning beginners to learn the language step by step.
b. Help students to share their sweet and unforgettable memories with others.
V. Important Points:
Sentence pattern: What/ Where/ When did you do...?
I did...
VI. Difficult Points:
a. the past form of the verbs.
b. Let students ask and answer the events in the past.
VII. Teaching Strategies:
a. Task-based approach
b. Situational method
c. Audio-lingual method
VIII. Teaching Instrument:
Multi-media puter
IX. 课时分配
第一课时:Section A
第二课时:Section A
第三课时:Section B
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