《International charities》教案4(7份)

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  Unit 7 International Charities
  目标 1. To understand the world a few big charity.
  2. Discuss how to better help people in poor areas.
  教 学
  点 The same as the aims
  教       学       设       计
  Step 1:Show" Learning aims"
  Step2:Show" Guide One"to the students.
  Guide One
  Let students Look at the picture and listen to the tape, then answer the questions.
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  1 What is needed for charity?
  2 What does Hobo want Eddie to do?
  3 What does Eddie want to do first? Why?
  4 How far will they go?
  Step3.Show" Guide Two"to the students.
  Guide Two
  Explain useful phrases
  1. You have some pocket money left.
  leave- left-left
  left (adj.) 剩下的,剩余的,没有用完的
  I have only one ticke left.
  There is nothing left in the fridge.
  leave for … 前往     leave 忘带,落在…
  2. I’m too weak to walrther.
  “too…to…”结构表示“太……而不  能……”, 副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。 
  e.g. She is too young to go to school.
  ▶但是当句子的主语与不定式的主语不一致时,常需在不定式前补加一个介词短语for sb.,即:too…for sb. to do sth.
  e.g. The problem is too difficult for me to wort. 对我来说这个问题太难解决了。
  ▶ “too…to…”结构可以转化为 “so…that…”结构:
  e.g. He is too short to reach the apple.  →  
  He is so short that he can’t reach the apple. 他太矮了没法够到苹果。
  e.g. Can you stand a bit further away?你能不能稍微站的远一点?
  Step4:Show“Guide Three”  to the students.
  Guide Three
  Let students read and act it out
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step5:Show“Guide Four”  to the students.
  Guide Four
  Let students look at part A and complete it
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step6:Show“Guide Five”  to the students.
  Guide Five
  Let students Listen to part B and answer the question
  How does UNICEF help people ?
  Step7:Show“Guide Six”  to the students.
  Guide Six
  Let students read and act it out
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step 8 Useful phrases
  It provides basic education for children in poor areas.
  provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物=provide sb with sth
  e.g. I am happy that you have provided so many interesting boos.
  =  I am happy that you have provided us with so many interesting books. 
  Class Exercise(一)
  Translate the following phrases
  1. 零花钱                              2. 吃一顿丰盛的午餐
  3. 该是……的时间了。                  4. 太虚弱不能行走
  5. 一些国际的慈善                      6. 基础的教育
  7. 平等的权利                          8. 为某人提供某物
  9. 阻止一些严重疾病的扩散
  Class Exercise(二)
  1. Jim has some p_____ money that his parents gave, so he wants to buy a new CD.
  2. China is one of the i___________ (国际的) countries in the world.
  3. He feels so w____ that he can’t stand up.
  4. It also works to prevent the s_________ (扩散)of some serious diseases.
  5. __________ provides food, health and education for children.
  6 __________helps blind people in poor areas by plane.
  7 __________helps people in poor countries.
  8. _______ protects the environment and wild animals.
  Unit 7 International Charities
  目标 1. To understand the structure of the passive voice.
  2. Master Passive voice in the simple present and past tenses
  教 学
  点 The same as the aims
  教       学       设       计
  Step 1:Show" Learning aims"
  Step2:Show" Guide One"to the students.
  Guide One 7'
  Let students read the following passive sentences , translate them into Chinese. And underline the passive voice in the following sentences.
  1) The cake was eaten by Daniel.
  2) Nancy bought a book yesterday.
  3) The little dog is looked after very well by Simon.
  4) He is reading English.
  5) The computer is bought by my uncle .
  6) I am wop by my father every morning.
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step3.Show" Guide Two"to the students.
  Guide Two 7'
  Step4.Show" Guide Three"to the students.
  Guide Three 7'
  1)Today English _______ all over China.
  A. teach             B. teaches   
  C. is taught          D. are taught
  2) The meeting _______ two weeks ago.
  A. hold             B. was held  
  C. were held         D. is held
  3) The thief ________ by the police last night.
  A. caught            B. is caught  
  C. was caught        D. were caught
  4) The photos _______ when I was young.
  A. were taken         B. was taken
  C. are taken           D. is taken
  5) Millie is my best friend. I ___ often ____ to her party.
  A. is invited                B. am invited      
  C. are invited             D. was invited
  6) Last year Beijing ____ by a big sandstorm.
  A. is hit                       B. were hit 
  C. will be hit              D. was hit
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step5.Show" Guide Four"to the students.
  Guide Four
  Class exercises (一)10'
  Finish Exercises A-B on page 99-100
  Class exercises (二)
  1. Tome often helps Jenny when she is in trouble.
  2. I bought a computer last week.
  3. The whole cake was eaten by Eddie yesterday.
  4. Many trees are planted by students and teachers every year.
  5. She takes good care of the children.
  International Charities
  目标 1. Understand the work of the United Nations children's fund category and basic bacnd knowledge.
  2. Talt their ideas contribute to charity.
  教 学
  点 The same as the aims
  教       学       设       计
  Step 1:Show" Learning aims"
  Step2:Show" Guide One"to the students.
  Guide One
  Let students read some information about UNICEF ,understand UNICEF simply.
  Step3.Show" Guide Two"to the students.
  Guide Two
  Let students Listen to tape and complete part A2 on page 101
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step4:Show“Guide Three”  to the students.
  Guide Three
  Let students complete part A3 using the information in part A1 and A2
  Have a match ! Who can do it best ?
  Step5:Show“Guide Four”  to the students.
  Guide Four
  Let students Listen to tape and complete part A3 on page 102
  Class Exercise (一)10''
  Useful phrases
  1. 为孩子们将世界变成一个更美好的地方make the world a better place for children
  2. 为穷孩子提供教育和食物provide food and education for poor children
  3. 捐款 make a donation
  4. 做一些志愿工作 do some voluntary work
  5. 组织募集资金活动 organize fund-raising activities
  6. 全世界 all over the world
  Class Exercise (二)
  Finish some exercises.
  1. UNICEF wants children to be _______ (health).
  2. UNICEF makes the world a ______ (good) place for children.
  3. It provides _________ (educate) for poor children.
  4. The organization raises money by ___________ (organize) activities.
  5. Many children’s ____ (life) were changed because of the war.

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