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  Unit 8 Transportation学案
  一. 教学内容:
  Boonit 8 Part 2
  二. 本周教学重点:
  1. must, mustn’t , have to, don’t have to 的用法。
  2. 祈使句表示禁止。
  3. 重点词组的学习。
  三. 具体内容:
  (一)1. must, have to 表示某事必须做,两者表达意思一样。
  e.g. You have to ride on the right. = You must ride on the right.
  2. 但在问句中,have to 更常见。
  e.g. Do you have to drive on the right side of the road?
  3. mustn’t 表示做某事是错误的或违法的,没有选择的余地,意为“禁止……”。而don’t have to 表达做某事不是必须的,我们可以选择,意为“不必”。
  e.g. You mustn’t park in spaces for disabled people.
  You don’t have to have a driver’s license to ride a bicycle.
  Read the following sentences.
  You mustn’t ride on the sidewalk.
  You have to know how to stop safely!
  You must always remember to locr bike.
  You have to wear light-colored clothes.
  You must give way to pedestrians.
  You have to have lights on your bike.
  You mustn’t give rides to other people.
  You must check the brakes and the tires.
  You have to obey all traffic signs and rules.
  You mustn’t do tricks on your bike.

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