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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 40 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/6/26 22:45:34
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21 In many places in China, ______ bicycle is still ______ popular means of transportation.
  A a, the         B \, a          C the, a             D the, the
  22 My cloct of ______ and wap at 3 this morning.
  A range         B repair       C reach             D order
  23 We must be practical and ______ the cost ______ we make a decision.
  A turn out, before  B wort, before  C figure out, until  D come true, until
  24 You’ve done so much that you are ______ to pass the exam.
  A bound        B probable      C possible          D perhaps
  25 It is ______ to think that a ______ wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.
  A disturbed, dangerous          B disturbed, danger
  C disturbing, dangerous          D disturbing, danger
  26 All her hard work ______ in the end, and she finally passed the exam for the university.
  A paid for      B paid off       C paid back        D laid off
  27 My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it.
  A in memory of  B in search of   C in honour of     D in favour of
  28 On top of the books ______ the photo album you’re looking for.
  A is            B are          C has             D have
  29  ---I think Tracy needs to find herself a new job.
  ---______. This is what we’ve been talking about.
  A Exactly      B Cheer up     C Please do        D Really
  30 At a rough estimate, Nigeria is ______ Great Britain.
  A three times the size as          B the size three times of 
  C three times as the size of        D three times the size of
  31 You ______ told him the news; he knew it already.
  A didn’t have to tell             B needn’t have told 
  C couldn’t have told            D oughtn’t have told
  32 The problem is _______ we can improve our reading skill in such a short time.
  A when       B where        C how           D that
  33 By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ______ for London to attend a meeting.
  A will leave       B leaves         C will have left      D left
  34 --- How about camping this weest for a change?
  --- Ok, ______ you want.

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