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  英 语 试 卷
  笔 试 部 分
  Ⅵ. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)
  31. Mary is _____18-year-old girl, and she plays _____basketball well.
  A. an; the B. a; the C. an; / D. a; /
  32. The lift is so crowded that there is no more _____to stand in.
  A. room B. a room C. rooms D. any rooms
  33. Sally doesn’t feel _____today, what’s the matter with her?
  A. good B. nervous C. happily D. well
  34. —Mum, there is _____water in the bottle. Let’s go and buy another one.
  A. few              B. a few            C. little           D. a little
  35. Miss. Li arrives early and she is _____late for school.
  A. usually B. often C. hardly ever D. sometimes
  36. Study hard, _____you will catch up with others.
  A. and  B. or               C. too D. so
  37. —Oh, dear! I _____my mobile phone in taxi.
  —Don’t worry, you can ask the police for help.
  A. forgot B. forget C. left D. leave
  38. _____clear river! I’ve never seen _____ clear river before.
  A. What a; such a B. How; so C. What a; so D. How; such
  39. —Can you help me _____the apples for fruit salad, Sandy?
  —Certainly, mum, but where is the knife?
  A. cut up B. mix up C. eat up D. show up
  40. Please do homework _____and try not to make any mistakes.
  A. as carefully as possible B. as careful as possible
  C. more careful D. most careful
  41. Grandpa read an interesting story to you yesterday, _____?
  A. does he B. doesn’t he        C. did he D. didn’t he
  42. —Is Steven still in Hainan for his winter vacation?
  —No, he_____ Hainan three times, he won’t go there again.
  A. has gone to B. has been to C. has been in D. went to
  43. Peter _____to drive last term, but he can’t drive well now.
  A. is taught B. was taught C. taught D. have taught
  44.—Shall we go for a picnic on Sunday?
  —That sounds good. _____it rains.
  A. Since B. When            C. If D. Unless
  45. Is this the park _____your brother often visits?

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