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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/31 20:49:31
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  21. Radcliffe, known to _____ most movie-goers as ____ boy wizard Potter, says it felt very natural to move away from that character and start the next phase of his career.
  A. the; a      B. the; the     C. /; the      D. /; a
  22. Hunan Satellite TV displayed an artwork behind a singer during the New Year’s Eve program ______ the artist’s permission, which started controversy.
  A. for        B. by        C. to         D. without
  23. He doesn’t have ____ luggage to check, only an old leather trunk.
  A. many      B. any       C. some       D. much
  24. The speed skating event ____ its most decorated star, four-time Winter Olympic Champion Wang Meng, to a suspension.
  A. had lost    B. is losing    C. lost        D. have lost
  25. Swimmer Sun Yang, hurdler Liu Xiang and tennis player Li Na are among China’s best hopes ____ gold in the coming 2012 Olympics.
  A. claimed    B. claiming    C. to claim     D. to have claimed
  26. As a result of the quanday, high-speed train service in Japan was suspended, ____ soon resumed as expected.
  A. so      B. thus      C. but       D. otherwise
  27. Help has already come from them, but the aid is nowhere near ____ we expected.
  A. that     B. which     C. what     D. whether
  28. People planning trips home used to believe that only through the railway’s telephone ticket hotline ____ get their tickets efficiently.
  A. they may    B. could they    C. shall they     D. they would
  29. ---Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please?
  ---____ , sir. What’s it then?
  A. Just a minute    B. That’s right     C. At your service     D. It’s my pleasure
  30. After months of efforts by our government, prices of houses in China have ________ gradually.
  A. put down       B. brought down    C. gone down       D. knocked down
  31. Since Shenyang Metro was put into use in October this year, many citizens have spent ______ they used to going to work.
  A. half as much time as         B. as half much time as
  C. half as less time as           D. half much time than
  32. ---How ___ feel to be mistaken for someone else?
  --- Really embarrassing.
  A. do you     B. does that     C. did you      D. does it
  33. ---- Mary looks depressed.
  ---- So ____ you if you failed your final exam.
  A. will        B. would       C. do          D. did
  34. Our company has targeted career women as our _______ customers.
   A. instant      B. primary      C. common     D. original
  35. Goodwill Industries help transfer used goods from landfills –- all _____ people want to donate their used items instead of throwing them away.
  A. though      B. that          C. what        D. because
  第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
  It was 11:40 at night when we finished hairdressing. 36  to miss the time of our school closing the door, we quicr steps. As we  37   the door of the apartment building, we saw our headmaster standing outside.    38   smiles on our faces, we rushed towards the door guarded by a teacher.   39   the teacher could clearly see us. She shouted, “Where have you been? Why are you not answering my calls? Your   40  have gone out to look for you. Now please call them back imm

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