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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 中考模拟试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 274 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/6/8 19:36:22
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  (满分:150分    时间:120分钟)
  Ⅰ. 单项选择(20分)
  1. Generally speaking, there are usually at least two   of looking at every question.
  A. opinions      B. directions     C. views      D. ways
  2. The rain makes people    .They think the trees planted yesterday can grow well.
  A. sad          B. annoying     C. happy      D. terrifying
  3. Hold on to your dreams,     they will come true one day.
  A. but           B. and         C. so         D. or
  4. –You will have to come to help us     you are the only one there
  –All right, I’ll go to you right away because there are three of us here.
  A. unless        B. so           C. and        D. but
  5. People have realized how important the environment is, but still trees    in the world every year.
  A. were cut down    B. cut down    C. are cut down    D. will be cut down
  6、—         day it is!
  —Let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine!
  A. What a lovely     B. How windy     C. What a rainy     D. How wet
  7. Hurry up! The film     for ten minutes.
  A. has been on       B. began         C. had begun       D. has begun
  8. He didn’t tell me       .
  A. which floor did he live           B. which floor he lives on
  C. which floor he lived on           D. which floor he lived
  9. The girl doesn’t want to    her parents     , so she works harder than before.
  A. make, happy       B. let, down      C. let, glad     D. put, up
  10. My mother often encourages me     to make mistakes in learning English.
  A. not to be afraid                 B. don’t be afraid
  C. not to afraid                    D. not be afraid
  11. —Mom , I want to buy this dictionary. It’s good but mot too    .
  —Let me  see , It’s really a useful dictionary .And the price is    .OK , I will buy it for you.
  A. high, low     B. high , cheap     C. expensive, cheap     D. expensive , low .
  12. The young man   we met just now is our math teacher.

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