
  • 手机网页: 浏览手机版
  • 资源类别: 外研版 / 初中教案 / 八年级下册教案
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 52 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/10/8 21:48:40
  • 资源来源: 会员原创
  • 资源提供: duyue55 [资源集]
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  Module 1 Hobbies
  Teaching aims
  Aims for language knowledge
  To be able to talt the hobbies
  Try to understand the sentence components
  To learn the new words and phrases
  To know the tongue of the sentences
  Aims for language abilities
  To understand the conversation about the hobbies
  To ask other’s hobbies and talt their own hobbies
  To understand the passages about the hobbies
  To write the passages to introduce their hobbies
  Teaching methods
  PWP approach and interactive practice
  Emotion and culture
  Try to know different people’s hobbies. Sometimes the hobbies have something with their culture.
  Unit 1 Do you collect anything?
  Class style
  Listening and speaking
  Teaching aims
  To elicit information about hobbies from the conversation
  To relay information about hobbies covered in the conversation
  To practise eliciting and giving information on one’s hobbies
  Teaching difficulties
  Sentence components
  Subject + Verb (intransitive verb)
  Everybody laughed.
  The bus is coming.
  The police car has gone.
  Subject + Verb + object
  He wants a ticket.
  Liverpool won the game.
  Subject + Verb (linking verb) + Complement
  The man is a teacher.
  He looks fine.
  The book was on the table.
  Subject + Verb + Indirect object + Direct object
  I sent him an e-mail.
  Tom lent me her car.
  Subject + Verb + Object + Complement
  We vote him our monitor.
  It made the song popular.

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