《A Charity Show》教案

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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/18 23:45:15
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  Unit 4   A Charity Show
  Teaching Goals
  •To introduce a specific activities students can do to help a charity.
  •To activate existing knowledge about doing charity work.
  •To become familiar with different ways of maggestions.
  •To activate students’ interest in local charities and what they do.
  Teaching Procedures
  STEP 1 Having a revision and presenting
  (Show the ad. in Book 7A to students) Do you still remember the ad? What do Millie and Simon want to do? ( They want to help the children from poor areas in China.) We call such an activity a charity. The charity that helps schools and students in poor areas is called “ Project Hope”. What other charities do you know? Introduce “Project Green Hope”, “Save China’s Tigers”, “ Spring Bud Project” to students. Then ask them to finish off Part B, on Page 61.
  STEP 2 Discussing
  What can we do for charity? Help students to answer: We can raise money for charity.
  How to do it? Let’s discuss. (Show the students the pictures on Page 59 one by one)  Ask:
  What are they doing? 
  Picture1: They are selling books.
  Picture2: He is advertising on t he Internet.
  Picture3: They are giving out leaflets to ask people to donate money.
  Picture4: They are having a charity show.
  Asdents to finish off Part A on Page61.
  What is the goal of these activities? (To raise money/fund for charity)
  So they are called fund-raising activities.
  What other fund-raising activities do you know? Encourage students to think of more fund-raising activities.STEP 3 Extension activity
  Do a class survey. Asdents which type of activity they would like to be involved in if they want to raise money for charity. Encourage them to come up with other suggestions not mentioned in Part A. Draw a table on the Bb and fill in the totals to find out the most popular activity.
  At the same time, help students to revise how to maggestions.
  Let’s …
  Why don’t you/we … ?
  What/ How about … ?
  Why not … ?
  Shall we … ?
  STEP 4 Looking and answering
  (Show Picture4 in Part A to students again)
  What are they doing? (They are holding a charity show.)
  What’s in the girl’s hand? ( a microphone)
  Asdents to guess what she is. Help students to answer : She is a host.
  What famous hosts do you know?

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