
  • 手机网页: 浏览手机版
  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc
  • 资源大小: 159 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/16 9:39:37
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  1. When is the last entry day?
  A. June 13           B. July 30        C. August 2
  2. What is the woman's favorite animal?
  A. Dogs             B. Cats            C. Horses
  3. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. A postcard         B. A friend          C. A lake
  4. Where will the barbecue be held tonight?
  A. Beside the forest       B. By the river           C. Outside the café
  5. Why is the man worried?
  A. He forgot to bring boots?
  B. He will be late for the match.
  C. He found his sandwiches gone.
  6. What is the relationship between the man and Kevin?
  A. Roommates        B. Teammates        C. Colleagues
  7. What does Kevin like best?
  A. Computers     B. Novels       C.  Sports
  8. What does the man want to do?
  A. Design a company website.
  B.  Conduct a customer survey.
  C.  Get an Internet service.
  9. What does the man tell the woman?
  A. His account number
  B. His home address.
  C. His company name.
  10. What is the woman going to do?
  A. Put the man's information into the computer.
  B. Give the man a new phone.
  C. Fill out a form for the man.
  11. What is the most important for teenagers' health according to the man?
  A. Food       B. Sleep           C. Exercise
  12. What does the man think of an hour's exercise for teenagers daily?
  A. It's not enough   B.  It's OK      C. It's too tiring.
  13.  What does the man suggest teenagers do?
  A.  Wash hands often.
  B.  Stop eating fast food.
  C.  Do school work previously.
  14. What does the woman want to go to Edinburgh?
  A. This morning   B. This afternoon   C. Tomorrow morning
  15. How much will the woman pay?
  A. £5        B.  £7             C. £9
  16. Where will the woman get on the bus?
  A.  Outside the library
  B.  In front of the Grand Hotel.
  C.  In Bridge Street.
  17. What can we learn from the conversation ?
  A. It will take 20 minutes to go through town.
  B. The journey will take the woman half a day.
  C. The woman wants to visit shops and museums.
  18. What will the people living close to the sea do due to global warming?
  A. They will harvest more food.
  B. They will get seafood more easily.
  C. They will have to move to other places.
  19. How will global warming affect the people living in dry places?
   A. They will have many floods.
  B. They will not have enough food to eat.
  . C. They will have clean drinking water.
  20. Why may penguins be dying off?
  A. They are lacking in food.
  B. They are having difficulty finding living places.
  C. They are being killed by the warmer temperatures.
    Suppose you have everything: a good job, good health, good relationships and a lot of money to spend. But still there is something missing from your life. Guess what? The love. It is not something that you should ignore. Life without love is just like body without soul.

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