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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/13 21:43:48
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  命题人:陈亚妹  胥均     审核人:王蕙钗
  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  1.What is the man?
  A.A taxi driver.    B.A policeman.    C.A restaurant waiter.
  2.When will the man fly back?
  A.Next week.      B.On Sunday.     C.Before this weekend.
  3.How does the woman feel?
  A.Discouraged. B.Satisfied. C.Delighted.
  4.How many bank robbers were there altogether?
  A.One. B.Two. C.Four.
  5.What would the man probably do?
  A.To save $300. B.To repair the car. C.To buy a new car.
  6.What are the speakers doing?
  A.Cooking. B.Working. C.Having dinner.
  7.What happened to the man’s finger?
  A.It’s cut. B.It’s burnt. C.It’s wounded.
  8.What was put on the man’s finger?
  A.The ice. B.The bandage. C.The cream.
  9.How much does the apartment near a park cost?
  A. $350. B. $390. C. $400.
  10.What do we know about the one near University Avenue?
  A.It’s most expensive.      B.It’s too large. C.It’s noisy.
  11.What do we know about Metecalfe?
  A.It’s near a university. B.It’s a quiet street. C.It’s near a park.
  12.Who is the woman?
  A.She is a car park attendant.   
  B.She is a policewoman.
  C.She is a driver whose car is being blocked by the man’s car.
  13.Why didn’t the man park his car in the car parnd the corner?
  A.He didn’t know there was a car parnd the corner.
  B.He didn’t want to pay for the parking.
  C.He thought it would be full.
  14.What will the man probably do next?
  A.He is going to the police station. 
  B.He will show the woman his license.
  C.He is driving away.
  15.When does the conversation probably take place?
  A.In the morning.    B.At noon. C.In the afternoon.
  16.Where did the woman go first?
  A.The police station. B.A restaurant. C.A shop.
  17.Who does the man suggest the woman phone?
  A.The woman’s friend. B.The manager of the shop.
  C.The manager of the restaurant.
  18.What is the aimof the program?
  A.To keep the trainees in shape.
  B.To improve public relations.
  C.To develop leadership skills.
  19.How long will the program last in July?
  A.8 days. B.12 days. C.20 days.
  20.If people want to join the program,what should they do after the meeting?
  A.Take a pretext.  `
  B.Pay for the program. 
  C.Sign on a piece of paper.
  第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. If my train is on ________ schedule, I will be home at ________ midnight.
  A. the; the        B. /; the       C. a; /        D. /; /
  22. The Xiaomi Phone 2 has functions similar to ____ of iPhone 6, but sells for just half the price of its competitor.
  A. that       B. those     C. one    D. ones
  23. With few people _______ pigs, the price of pork ________.
  A. rising, rises     B. raising, raises    C. rising, raises    D. raising, rises
  24. The couple give ________ attend their 50th wedding anniversary some gifts to share their happiness.

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