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  • 更新时间: 2015/5/16 8:38:21
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1.What did Tom do yesterday?
  A.He attended the woman's birthday party.
  B.He had a picnic with his family.
  C.He had a picnic with the woman.
  2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  A.At a concert. B.At a flower shop. C.At a restaurant.
  3.What did the woman ask the man to do?
  A.Turn on the heat. B.Warm her fingers. C.light her cigarette.
  4.where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A.in a bank. B.in a post office. C.in a restaurant.
  5.What did the man break?
  A.His arm. B.His neck. C.His leg.
  6.Where did the man work before?
  A.In a port B.In a bank C.In a government office
  7.How did the man like the work and the people in the shipping department?
  A.The work was tiring, and the people weren't friendly
  B.The work was tiring, but the people were friendly
  C.The work wasn't tiring, but the people weren't friendly
  8.What did the woman wish?
  A.She wished that the man would get on well with the people.
  B.She wished that the man would be friendly to the people.
  C.She wished that the man's idea would come true.
  9.What did Peter find when he wop one morning?
  A. His house was surrounded by the flood
  B. There was water all over the floor
  C. His car was upside down in the street
  10.Wha is the usual rainfall of the whole month of June in Peter's hometown?
  A. About 16 inches B. About 60 inches C. About 17 inches
  11.What does the passage mainly tell us?
  A. How people fought against a natural disaster
  B. A big flood stuck Peter' s hometown
  C. Many people died in a serious flood
  12.How well does the man know the theatre?
  A. Not well B. Quite well C. Very well
  13.Why did the man pay for the theatre?
  A. For fun B. To make the town prettier C. For the other people of the town
  14.How long did the man live there?
  A. A year B. A long time C. His whole life
  15.What class does Dr Wilson teach?
  A. Maths B. English C. History
  16.In which class will Fred probably get an "c"?
  A. History B. Maths C. French
  17.Why does Fred want to get a "B"?
  A. To be praised by his parents B. To avoid falling behind others C. To get scholarship
  18.When was the man most likely to have been busy?
  A. Last year B. Last summer C. Last week
  19.What happened?
  A. He worked very late B. People came to check on him C. He bad lots of parties
  20.What is involved in the inspection?
  A. The workers' dress must be perfect
  B. They must welcome visitors
  C. The worments should be correct
  21. A former CCTV presenter ________ Chai Jing has released a documentary “Under the Dome”, which is inspired by her sicghter.
  A. called          B. calling        C. calls           D. is called
  22. Eric received training in computer for one year, _____ he found a job in a big company.
  A. after that       B. after which      C. after it      D. after this
  23. The film star wears sunglasses. ______, he can go shopping w

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