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  • 更新时间: 2015/4/18 13:55:38
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What will the man probably do?
  A. Attend the concert after his exams are finished.
  B. Stay home to prepare for his exams.
  C. Go to the concert with the woman.
  2. What is the weather like now?
  A. windy        B. hot         C. foggy
  3. What does the man mean?
  A. They should decide by Friday.
  B. They’d better decide right now.
  C. They have another week to decide.
  4. How much should the man pay?
  A. $ 300             B. $ 260             C. $ 120
  5. Where is the TV guide?
  A. On top of the television.     B. By the telephone.        C. Under the sofa.
  听下面一段对话,回答第6~7 题。
  6. What can be inferred about the speakers?
  A. They are opening 500 new stores.
  B. They work for a coffee company.
  C. Their business is not going well.
  7. What does the woman say about House of Coffee?
  A. It is growing rapidly.
  B. It has the best drinks.
  C. Its business is shrinking.
  听下面一段对话,回答第8~10 题。
  8. Why does the woman call the man?
  A. To pick up a package.
  B. To ast a late package.
  C. To complain about a lost package.
  9. What do we know about the package?
  A. It was lost.
  B. It was shipped on time.
  C. It is still on the loading platform.
  10. What does the man plan to do next?
  A. Bring the package to the woman.
  B. Check the package tracmber.
  C. Determine the status of the package.
  听下面一段对话,回答第11~13 题。
  11. Where are the speakers?
  A. in a store     B. at a bus stop       C. on a street corner
  12. What will the woman do next?
  A. go to a park      B. buy a soft drink       C. visit an art museum
  13. Why does the man say the woman is lucky?
  A. There is parking room available.
  B. Parking is free on Thursday.
  C. She has enough coins to put into the parking meter.
  听下面一段对话,回答第14~17 题。
  14. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. At a second-hand bookstore.
  B. In a classroom
  C. In a library
  15. Why doesn’t the woman use her roommate’s book?
  A. She is taking the course with a different professor.
  B. Her roommate sold the book.
  C. The book has a lot of marks in it.
  16. What is the problem with an older edition according to the man?
  A. It’s difficult to find the information the professor refers to.
  B. It’s not cheaper than the new edition.
  C. The teacher doesn’t order one.
  17. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She is an A student.
  B. She doesn’t find the book she wants.
  C. She is happy with her purchase.
  听下面一段独白,回答第18~20 题。
  18. What is the speaker mainly talking about?
  A. The image of Micse.
  B. The life of Walt Disney.
  C. The history of cartoons.
  19. What is said about Micse?
  A. It is now different in every way from the early cartoons.
  B. Its character has not changed over the years.
  C. Its final name was given by Walt Disney.
  20. What will be probably discussed next?
  A. Walt Disney’s childhood.
  B. Other images in American popular culture.
  C. The voice of cartoon characters.
  21. Many people agree that _________ knowledge of English is ________ must in international trade today.
  A. a; the      B. 不填;不填      C. a; 不填      D. a; a
  22. ----I’m dead tired. I can’t walrther, Jenny.
  ----_______, Tommy. You can do it.
  A. No problem          B. Come on       C. No hurry       D. That’s OK
  23. __________ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.
  A. Who      B. The one        C. Anyone       D. Whoever
  24. By no means ______________ to

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