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  英语        2015.03
  命题:张小华(黄岩中学)於晨(路桥中学) 审题:何小怡(温岭中学)
  注意:本试卷分为卷丨(选择题)和卷II (非选择题)两部分,满分120分,考试时间120分钟; 所有答案一律做在答题卷上。
  1.— I’m afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.
  A. Be careful B. Think nothing of it
  C.It,s a piece of cake D. That’s none of my business
  2.The foggy and hazy weather has recently been headache for people in city
  of Taizhou.
  A. the; a B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the
  3.Although the two friends of mine have totally different viewpoints, I don’t particularly agree with •
  A. either B. each C. both D. it
  4.Ben is fifty years old, but unlike his cautious colleagues, he is still for risks.
  A. famous B. sorry C. grateful D. thirsty
  5.Nowadays, most people prefer to live in a neighborhood they can have easy access to
  supermarkets, hospitals and schools.
  A. when B. why C. where D. which
  6.A company rejected a college graduate’s job because her 400-word handwritten
  resume contained 24 incorrect Chinese characters, reported Beijing Youth Daily.
  A. application B. interview C. offer D. opportunity
  7.Many people won't a suggestion without being asked. So don’t hesitate to ask!
  A. confirm B. volunteer C. reflect D. exhibit
  8.The saying “Life is not all roses” conveys the concept we are to meet ups and downs
  in our life.
  A. that B. whether C. how D. what
  9.In recent years, Apple has successfully its market to every corner of the world.
  A. divided B. recovered C. expanded D. attracted
  10.Charlie is gentle ,but was a little bit out of temper at the class meeting yesterday.
  A. by chance B. by nature C. by design D. by mistake
  11.I a walk the moment I came across an old friend I had not seen for at least a decade.
  A. had taken B. would take C. was taking D. took
  12.The fast popularity of cloud computing means netizens will need to take added measures to mare their data stays in the digital age .
  A. secure B. stable C. particular D. accurate
  13.Some teenagers mind little about manners and use improper words ,often in front of
  their parents too.
  A. fluently B. freely C. flexibly D. formally
  14.“It’s been a long holiday, so it’s normal enough not to remember what he had learned before that,” Jessie said, her brother.
  A. to defend B. defended C. having defended D. defending
  15.It is good to take off heavy clothing spring is here.
  A. even if B. now that C. as if D. if only
  16.Mr. Cook was gradually picp, but the doctor recommended that he a few more
  days in hospital.
  A. spend B. could spend C. would have spent D. spent
  17.On the way home last night, Sarah struggled through the wind, rain beating her face.
  A. above B. against C. upon D. beyond
  18.— The headmaster is said to be absent from school today.
  — ,we shall not visit him.
  A.In that case B. As a result C. On the contrary D. What is worse
  19.The flat was nice, but compared with my previous one, it actually me .
  A.lifted...up B. held...back C. let...down D. gave... away
  20.—You'd better be careful, Oliver. The knife is sharp.
  — ,Mum.
  A.I won't B. Got it C. I can D. Forget it
  阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 — 40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
  Moving away from home is both a good and a sad thing. It is every child’s and every parent’s goal to eventually achieve 21 but it is nevertheless sad when it happens.
  One Sunday in August, my son and I worked to 22 his car for a journey. He would move across the country after twenty years of 23 under my roof. We started early, 24 our work went slowly into the afternoon.
  25 I was carefully packing the car, the Sunday baseball game came on. Our hometown Cardinals were playing the Atlanta Braves. 26 unhappy thoughts about his departure, I co

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