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  一、 听力(本题有15小题,第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小题2分;共计20分)
  (   )1. What are the speakers probably going to watch on Sunday evening?
  A                      B                    C
  (   ) 2. What competition has Eric decided to enter?
  A                      B                     C
  (   ) 3. Where did Ken once work for his company?
  A                      B                     C
  (   ) 4. What does the new English teacher look like?
  A                     B                    C
  (   ) 5. What’s the matter with Steven?
  A                  B                    C
  (   ) 6. Which is Jack’s favourie?
  A. Pizza.      B. Apple pie. C. Cookies.
  (   ) 7. What is Tony’s dream?
  A. To be a scientist.   B. To be a superman  C. To be an astronaut
  (   ) 8. What clothes should Jack wear for his traveling?
  A. T-shirts.  B. Dresses.    C. Shorts.
  (   ) 9. How many times has Betty been to the US?
  A. Once.             B. Twice.           C. Three times.
  (   ) 10. What’s the relationship(关系)between them?
  A. Customer and waiter. B. Doctor and patient.  C. Teacher and student.
  Information about a Trip
  Where to go       11   
  How to go there    12  
  How far       13  
  What to visit after lunch       14  
  When to come back       15  
  (   )11. A. Shanghai             B. Nanjing            C. Hangzhou
  (   )12. A. by bike              B. by bus               C. on foot
  (   )13. A. 58 kilometers        B. 68 kilometers       C. 78 kilometers
  (   )14. A. a science museum     B. an aquarium          C. a park
  (   )15. A. 4:00                B. 4:30                 C. 5:30
  A little boy named Harry became very ill. He had to lie in bed all day and couldn’t move. He spent his days feeling    16   and blue.
  He could do nothing except loot of the    17   . Time passed, and his illness made him feel even    18   . Until one day he saw a strange shape(形状) in the window. It was a penguin(企鹅) eating a sausage(腊肠) sandwich. The penguin got in    19    the open window, and said “good afternoon” to Harry, turned around, and    20    quickly.

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