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  • 资源大小: 53 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/31 14:46:09
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  21.______ 28-year-old woman in Guangdong bought one of the most expensive apartments in Hong Kong, saying it was_____ gift from her husband.
  A. The; a    B. A; the     C. The ; the       D. A; a
  22. The film of “ Great Earthquakes” directed by Chinese director Feng Xiaogang, _______ is reported, won the most medals in Harbin Film Festival on January15th, 2011.
  A. as     B. until    C. although    D. if
  23.------I’d like to boond- trip ticket.
  ------Sorry, sir, but there are no tickets______ at the moment.
  A. available    B. usable   C. suitable    D. comfortable
  24. I invited five people to my party. Out of five people, only Tom and Jack can come. ______ people can’ t come.
  A. The others    B. The other    C. Others    D. Other three
  25._______, he doesn’t study well.
  A. As he is clever            B. He is as clever 
  C. Clever as he is            D. As clever he is
  26.As the crowd rushed towards the gate, several people got______.
  A. knocking down            B. knocked off 
  C. knocking on               D. knocked over
  27. ------What will you do during the coming winter vocation?
  ------ I don’t t it’s about time ______ something.
  A. I’m deciding   B. I’ll decide  C. I’d decided   D. I decided
  28. A lunar probe-Chang’e-2_______ as much as 2 tons was sent up into space on October12010.
  A. weighing   B. weighed   C. to be weighed   D. being weighed
  29.------ Kate and Lucy are twins.
  ------ Oh, I ______ why they looked so alike.
  A. wonder              B. have wondered  
  C. was wondering        D. had wondered
  30. Kathy opened her mouth, expecting a candy and then loozzled______ she got nothing.
  A. when    B. although     C. so     D. once
  31. Don’t interrupt me, John. ______ you force me to tell you the truth at the moment?
  A. Might    B. Must   C. Should     D Would
  32. I was close to being killed the other day. A car passed me at______ I thought was a dangerous speed.
  A. as  B. which  C. what   D. that
  33. ______ of danger in the street last night, she had to go home, with a friend following her.
  A. To be warned   B. Warned   C. Having warned   D. Warning

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