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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/31 12:50:41
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  第一卷    满分85分     2012.05
  第一节  I.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)
  例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child __________he or she wants.
  A.however    B.whatever    C.whichever    D.whenever
  1.By the end of last year, we _________seven hundred English words.
  A.  learned       B. have learned   C. had learned   D.  would have learned
  2. Can you tell me ______to the station?
  A. how can I get  B. how I get      C. how I to get   D. how to get
  3._______he grew older , he began to go deaf.
  A.  As          B. When         C. While        D.With
  4. It is ten years ____he graduated from the university.
  A. that          B. until          C. since         D. from
  5. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy ______going back to school, but she hasn’t decided yet.
  A.had considered  B. has been considering  C. considered  D. is going to consider
  6.—Is it that Jack often plays computer games     makes his parents worry about him ?
  —Yes , I think so . 
  A.what        B.when         C.that  D.which
  7.First he made a list of the names of those    .Then he began to write the invitation cards .
  A.to invite  B.to be invited  C.invited  D.have been invited
  8.Technology is developing so rapidly that    for only a year , my cellphone is out-of-date .
  A.using  B.having been used  C.having used    D.is using
  9.This kind of picture stories     worth reading , but novels of that kind     not worth reading . 
  A.are ; is      B.is ; are  C.are ; are  D.is ; is
  10.good manners to say “Sorry” when you knock into someone but     no need to say it again and again .
  A.There are ; there is    B.It is ; there is   C.There is ; it is   D.It is ; it is
  11. One learns a language by making mistakes and________ them.
  A. correct      B. correcting  C. corrects     D. to correct
  12. ________ from the top, the city looks more beautiful.
  A. To see  B. Seeing  C. Seen  D. See
  13.______ on time,  or you’ll be fired.

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