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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/17 8:44:29
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  Ⅰ. 单项选择从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共20分,每小题1分)
  1. A big earthquake happened in the Japan ____ March, 2011.
  A. on   B. from   C. at    D. in
  2. Tom likes doing things with his family. He’s learned much from ___ His family help him a lot.
  A. it    B. them   C. he   D. they
  3. --- What’s your uncle like?
  --- He _____
  A. is tall and strong   B. likes singing    C. is 45 years old    D. likes apples
  4. --- How about your school trip to Dalian?
  --- Everything was wonderful except that our bus _____ twice on the way.
  A. turned down   B. broke down   C. gave up   D. dropped by
  5. If you need help, for example, money or ____ , let me know, will you?
  A. something     B. anything     C. nothing   D. everything
  6. Tom was _____ to finish making the model in an hour, but in fact, it took two hours.
  A. supposed      B. regarded     C. refused   D. missed
  7. I often put the meat in the refrigerator. It will stay _____ for several days.
  A. healthy        B. sweet       C. salty     D. fresh
  8. My mother often tells me to study hard. She says hard work _____ success.
  A. leads to        B. belongs to   C. has to    D. holds on to
  9. --- Would you like to collect _____ with us in the park this Saturday?
  --- Yes, I’d love to. Let’s make it clean.
  A. water          B. stamps     C. trees     D. rubbish
  10. Look! Tom’s new car looks so _____ in the sun that we hardly open our eyes.
  A. misleading     B. mysterious   C. shiny    D. interesting
  11. --- Can you tell me _____ so many boxes of salt?
  --- In “Legou Supermarket”
  A. why you bought   B. where you bought   C. where did you buy   D. who bought[
  12. --- How many coins have you collected?
  --- A box of them _____ .
  A. far away       B. as well      C. so far   D. after all
  13. --- What should I do to learn English well as a beginner?
  --- ______, you should memorize some words.
  A. In the end      B. In this way   C. To start with    D. To my surprise
  14. --- Can the twins carry the boxes to their bedroom?
  --- I’m afraid _____ of them can do it. They are too young.
  A. either         B. none        C. neither        D. each
  15. --- Sorry, I’m late.
  --- It doesn’t matter. The meeting _____ just for several minutes.
  A. has begun     B. has started    C. has been on    D. started
  16. The old should _____ well.
  A. be take care of    B. look after   C. be looked after     D. be taking care of
  17. On holidays, they prefer to _____ at home rather than _____.
  A. staying, going hiking  B. stay, going hiking C. stay, go hiking  D. staying, go hiking
  18. --- The windows are broken and need to be repaired.
  --- I think so. They can hardly _____ the cold now.
  A. t     B. give out    C. tat     D. put out
  19. David talked with a friend of ____ on the Internet for a long time yesterday.
  A. he          B. his        C. him    D. himself

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