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  • 更新时间: 2012/2/21 19:11:30
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. We can easily get from the computer _________has been stored in it.
  A. which      B. it       C. that      D. what
  2.  ----It was you who started all the trouble.
  ----But I didn’t ________ to.
  A. want      B. like      C. mean   D. hope  
  3.________ a little money, Jimmy was able to buy his mother a lovely new lamp
  A. To save  B. Saving    C. Saved   D. Having saved
  4.  ----The exam was easy, wasn’t it?
  ----Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.
  A. somebody    B. anybody     C. nobody      D. everybody
  5.  ----What if you _________?
  ----I won’t be discouraged no matter whether I_________.
  A. will lose, win or lose              B. lose, will win or lose
  C. lose, win or lose                 D. will lose, will win or lose
  6.  ----What time___________ Mike tomorrow?
  ----At 3:00 p.m..
  A. do you meet    B. will you meet    C. would you meet    D. you like to meet
  7.  ----Where was ________ you picp the wallet?
  ----Let me see…, just at the second counter on the left.
  A. it        B. the place      C. the place that      D. it that
  8. At noon we reached _______ small village ________ east of _______ Summer Palace.
  A. the, the, the     B. a, /, the      C. a, the, the      D. a, /, /
  9.  Don’t be afraid of asking for help ________ it is needed.
  A. unless         B. when        C. since         D. although
  10.  Mary once _______ music at the school for ten years and now is an actress.
  A. has taught      B. had taught       C. has been teaching    D. taught
  11.  ----Why do you work so hard?
  ---- I dream ______ entering a better college.
  A. for       B. with      C. of        D. on
  12. The seagull ate up ________ locusts in a short while.
  A. two hundred of     B. hundreds of     C. two hundreds    D. hundred of
  13.  ----I can hardly read what Jane’s written. I wish she would write ________.
  ---- I totally agree with you.
  A. as clearly     B. more clearly    C. most clear     D. clearer
  14.  You’ll be hurt if you don’t _________.
  A. loot     B. look up      C. look after    D. look on
  15. ______is no possibility _______ Bob will win the first prize in the match.
  A. That, that     B. There, that      C. There, whether    D. It, whether
  16. ---Alice, you loozzled. Have you understood it?
  ---Yes, I _______ another problem just now.
  A. have thought of   B. thought of    C. was thinking of   D. had thought of
  17. On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems ______paid special attention to.
  A. referred to being   B. referred to be    C. refer to being    D. refer to be

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