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  • 更新时间: 2011/8/17 15:07:53
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  1————.the website of www.google.com, and you will learn a lot about Obama’s first official visit to China.
  A.Searching  B.To search    
  C.Having searched   D.Search
  2.—I’ve lost the game again.
  —______! It’s not that bad!
  A.Cheer up  B.I’m sorry  C.It doesn’t matter  D.Oh, my goodness
  3.—Mary,new copies of Harry Potter are on sale now.
  —Great! Let’s go and buy______this afternoon.
  A.it   B.that   C.any  D.one
  4. You can't imagine the hard time he had ______ the horse in.
  A. holding        B. to hold       C. held      D. hold
  5. The enemy troop could hardly make any advance, and ________ could they fall back.
  A. neither          B. so          C. either          D. both
  6.Fisherman Wang Bingzhong from Changli county,Herbei province,examines his boat on May 25 after it was damaged in ________he described as a pirate attack.
  A.which           B.that         C.what     D.where
  7.—He should have come to join in the thorough cleaning.
  —He ________, I think. It's not his turn.
  A. needn't have to     B. needn't have    C. didn't have to       D. doesn't need to
  8. I shall ta to France ________ you are well enough to travel.
  A. quickly         B. directly         C. finally       D. happily
  9. Tom hid himself behind the door, _______ he rushed out to scare his mother.
  A. which          B. where       C. from which      D. from where
  10. Beginning college is exciting:many of us can be easily overwhelmed by _______ details of running ________ well-balanced life.
  A. /; the          B. the; a         C. /; a           D. the; /
  11. Careful surveys have indicated that audience ________ teachers and students be more likely to take seats ________ directed.
  A. 1ike; that       B. as; that        C. 1ike; as     D. as; like
  12. How disappointing! We have finished _______ 5%
  A. no more than       B. no less than       C. not more than      D. not less than
  13. It is written clearly in the requirements that all passengers _______ check onto board thirty minutes before the plane takes off.
  A. may         B. can         C. will       D. shall
  14. It's reported that by the end of this week the stock exchange________ by about 10%.
  A. will have risen     B. has risen      C. will be rising     D. has been rising
  15–How does a simple meal like this cost so much?
  --We have____ in your bill the cost of the teapot you brost.
  A. added   B. included   C. obtained   D. charged

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