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  • 更新时间: 2011/7/27 8:07:21
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  一、 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
  Kevin is a boy who might be described as “slow”. He didn’t learn his ABCs as fast as other t Kevin was__1__with people, for his bright smile and big heart won him plenty of friends.
  My friend Randy decided they needed a__2__team for boys.Kevin__3__up and practiced hard. But he simply shot baskets. Or more correctly, he threw the ball at the basket. He had a __4__spot near the free throw line(罚球线). He threw and threw, and it __5__went in.
  The team did well but they never won a game that season except the night when it snowed and the opposing team never__6__. At the end of the__7__lot(签)of playing against the best team.
  Game day arrived. The game went as__8__.Near the end of the last quarter, Kevin’s team stood nearly 30 points behind. It was then that one of the boys called timeout. ”Coach Randy, ” he said, ”this is our__9__game and Kevin has never made a basket. I think we should let him make a basket.”
  The team agreed. Kevin wan __10__to stand at his special place near the free throw line and wait. When the ball was__11__to him, he shot and missed. A moment later, Kevin got the ball again, but shot and missed again.
  Slowly the other team seemed to__12__what was going on. Both teams circled the boy by their time and all the other players were shouting, “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone in the __13__ joined in.
  Kevin attempted again and again, and one of his shots took a crazy bounce on the basket. Everyone held their__14__.The ball dropped in. Nobody remained __15__. Everyone stood and cheered as if one boy had won a world champion.
  That day, an undefeated team kept their perfect record. But everybody won because everybody had participated in a crazy conspiracy(密谋)  of kindness.
  1.   A. patient        B. familiar         C. popular           D. careful
  2.   A. basketball     B. football         C. swimming        D. climbing
  3.   A. got           B. signed           C. went            D. set
  4.   A. strange        B. special          C. wrong            D. safe
  5.   A. randomly      B. automatically     C. possibly          D. occasionally
  6.   A. showed up     B. took up          C. started off        D. gave in
  7.   A. favorite        B. difficult          C. unfortunate       D. important
  8.   A. reported       B. designed         C. arranged          D. expected
  9.   A. first           B. last              C. excellent         D. poor
  10.  A. forbidden      B. wished           C. trained           D. instructed
  11.  A. passed        B. kicked            C. carried           D. shot
  12.  A. give up        B. bring about       C. figure out         D. believe in
  13.  A. school         B. gym             C. town            D. team
  14.  A. hands         B. breath            C. places           D. ground
  15.  A. seated         B. excited           C. amazed          D. puzzled

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