《Past and present》教案

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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/18 23:58:42
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  牛津英语8B Unit1  Past and present教案
  Unit 1 the 1st period
  Content: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit
  Teaching aims:
  1 To introduce the concept of situations that started in the past and are continuing in the present
  2 To in introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.
  Teaching procedures:
  Step 1: Dictate new words from “ past” to “lonely”.
  Step 2: Review the present perfect tense
  1)  Translate some sentences (oral practice)
  2)  Correct mistakes 
  1 He has come back for two hours 
  2 Jimmy wrote to me since last week. 
  3 They got married since 10 years ago. 
  4 Kate has joined the league for three years. 
  5 We have never gone to Japan. 
  6 How long has he gone there? –Since last Friday. 
  7 He has written two books since he has worked here. 
  8 How long did you go to the USA? –Five years ago.
  Step 3: Warm-up activities
  1)Listen to a short dialogue and thint the following questions:
  a What did Eddie do?   Why?
  b How has Eddie changed?
  c How has Hobo changed?
  Then  check  the  answers .
  2)  Listen to the dialogue again and try to repeat after the tape
  3)  Read the dialogue together and understand the meaning of the dialogue.
  4)Change some sentence patterns according to the dialogue
  Eg:  I’ve eaten it  -- I haven’t eaten it .---
   Have you eaten it?    Yes, I have /No, I haven’t.
  5)Read it again and try to recite it .
  Step 4:        Welcome to the unit
  Revise  five  transport :bus ,  taxi  ,train  ,plane , underground
  Learn  A    Transport at different times
  Write the correct names under the pictures. 
  B   Back to the past  Complete the timeline. 
  Make sentences according to the time table  
  Eg: a. The peak tram has been in service since 1890/for 25 years.
  b. People began to use the peak tram in 1890.
  Step 5 Games
  老师事先准备几张纸条,每张上写好一种交通工具的名称,允许同学们问问题,但老师只能回答“yes” “no”,看哪些同学猜的最多,猜中的有小奖品。
  Unit 1 The 2nd period
  Content: Reading
  (一)Teaching aims:
  1 To recognize types of questions used in interviews.
  2 To recognize extended answers to open questions.
  3 To infer general meaning from title and context.
  Important and difficult points:
  The understanding of the reading
  Some useful expressions

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