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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 441 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/12 7:01:54
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What will the man do?
  A. He will repair the machine.                      B. He will take the woman’s advice.
  C. He will read the instructions.
  2. What does the woman mean?
  A. She doesn’t know the time of the meeting.
  B. She doesn’t know where the meeting will be held.  C. She doesn’t know the content of the meeting.
  3. What does the woman think of flying in a spaceship?
  A. It is very safe.                  B. It is interesting.                 C. It is helpful.
  4. How much is the yellow coat?
  A. $45.                          B. $70.                          C. $90.
  5. What is probably the woman?
  A. A teacher.                     B. A lawyer.                    C. An interviewer.
  6. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. In a taxi.                       B. On a train.                    C. At a bank.
  7. Which of the following is all glass?
  A. The Sheraton Hotel.       B. The Boston Common.      C. The John Hancocilding.
  8. How much is the tip for the man?
  A. $5.                           B. $2.5.                         C. $17.5.
  9. What is the man’s destination?
  A. Japan.                         B. The US.                      C. The UK.
  10. Why don’t they offer any discount for the man’s ticket?
  A. It is the holiday season at present.                    B. The man only books one ticket
  C. It is not a non-stop flight.
  11. What can we learn form the conversation?
  A. The man doesn’t pay for the ticket in cash.
  B. There will be a 10% discount if one books tickets online.  C. The flight to the US is always very busy.
  12. What is the woman speaker?
  A. A colle ge teacher.            B. A college student.         C. A middle school student.
  13. What does the man advise the women to do?
  A. Take more exercise.          B. Work harder.             C. Do some cleaning.
  14. What does the woman usually do on Sunday?
  A. Do some washing or sightseeing.                      B. Go picnicking or sightseeing.
  C. Do some cleaning or washing.
  15. What subject is the boy best at?
  A. Math.                          B. English.                        C. Science.
  16. What does the women think of the Spanish teacher?
  A. She speaks too fast sometimes.
  B. She only teaches beginners.                             C. She has much experience.
  17. What did the teacher advise the boy to do?
  A. Buy an MP3 player.                        B. Listening to Spanish before going to bed.
  C. Only learn easy spoken Spanish.
  18. What can we learn about the speaker?
  A. He liked a lot of sports when he was a child.
  B. He benefited a lot from playing outdoors when he was a child.
  C. He wanted to play with high-tech toys when he was a child.
  19. What is very harmful to children’s development according to the speaker?
  A. Children’s playing outdoors much less.              B. Children’s dislike of competition.
  C. Children’s poor knowledge of nature.
  20. Which of the following is TRUE about today’s children?

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