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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/7 9:07:34
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  考试时间:120分钟    总分:150
  1.Thint ___ you enjoy doing, and look for others that enjoy it too.
  A .  which   B.  what  C. that     D. whether
  2. Rather than        on a crowded bus,he always prefers         a bicycle.
  A. ride; ride   B.riding; ride  C. ride;to ride  D. to ride; riding
  3 Have you prepared for the sports meeting which ___soon?
  A. has taken place           B. will be taken place
  C. is to take place            D. is to be taken place
  4. He ______to help me wort the problem, but I’d prefer to depend on myself.
  A. managed      B. offered      C. suggested        D. refused
  5.The winner of the race is tall and thin; he ___be my friend, Mike, who is short and fat.
  A. might     B. mustn't      C. can't            D. should
  6. "I ___asleep all afternoon, so I didn't hear the phone. "he ___to me.
  A. lied; lay        B. lay; lied      C. lay; lay       D. lied; lied
  7.At first his plan seemed impossible to put into practice, but ___it turned out to be quite easy.
  A. ever since      B. so far      C before long       D. above all
  8.The reason         she gave for being absent was        the heavy snow prevented her coming.
  A. that; because    B. why; because    C. that; that    D. why; that
  9. He is very humorous, while his brother is rather serious. That is ___their difference lies.
  A. why      B. where       C. how      D. when
  10.You should pay a lot of attention to children’s ideas; sometimes they ___be really creative.
  A. must         B. can          C. need              D. should
  11.It was quite ___accident that I met him; he was homeless and ___rags at that time.
  A.  by; in        B. on; in         C. at; by             D. in; in
  12.Can you ___me to call Mr. Smith this afternoon? You know how forgetful I am.
  A. permit        B. persuade     C. remind            D. allow 
  13. ______ you are alone at home, why don’t you go with us to the p


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