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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/7 19:57:31
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  2011年路北区九年级第一次模拟检测英语试卷         2011.4.
  1. A. ship   B. sheep     C. jeep
  2. A. long trip   B. long street    C. straight hair
  3. A. 7128659   B. 7218569    C. 8712596
  4. A. Jim is a doctor.  B. Jim is ill.    C. Jim’s aunt is ill.
  5. A. Nancy knows only English.  B. Nancy knows English and Japanese.  
  C. Nancy is from Japan.
  6. A. I’m fine, than. B. How do you do?  C. I’m doing my homework.
  7. A. I’ve had enough.  B. Delicious.   C. Who made them?
  8. A. I’m afraid so.  B. I hope not.    C. I hope so.
  9. A. Please don’t say so. B. You’re welcome.  C. That’s OK.
  10. A. No, I can’t.  B. Yes, you can’t miss it.  C. Sorry, I’m a stranger here.
  11. A. Thirteen times a week.  B. Once a day.    C. Twice a day.
  12. A. 16.    B. 26.      C. 30.
  13. A. In the hospital.  B. In the garden.    C. Outside the garden.
  14. A.                    B.                       C.
  15. A.                        B.                      C.
  16. What’s the weather like?
  A. Sunny.    B. Rainy.   C. Snowy.
  17. What will they do?
  A. They will go to the man’s hometown.   B. They will make a snowman.
  C. They will have a look.
  18. Which group will deal with the waste things in the river?
  A. Group One.    B. Group Two.  C. Group Three.
  19. Where should they put the glass bottles?
  A. In black plastic bags.  B. In yellow boxes.  C. In red boxes.
  20. How is Julia going to New York?
  A. By bike.    B. By plane.   C. By train.
  21. How long are Bobby and his parents staying in Hawaii?
  A. For a week.   B. For two weeks.  C. For three weeks.
  22. When Is Bobby leaving for Hawaii?
  A. On Tuesday.   B. On Friday.  C. On Saturday.
  23. What will the students study in biology class next week?
  A. Movies.    B. Plants.    C. Animals.
  24. How many pages will they have to write for their reports?
  A. Four.    B. Five.    C. Six.
  25. What is the teacher mainly talking about?
  A. A timetable.   B. A report card.  C. A teaching plan.

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