《What were you doing when the UFO arrived》教案3

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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/21 13:54:02
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  Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
  Ⅰ.Analysis of the Teaching Material
  1.Status and Function
  The topic of this unit is about interesting events.In this unit students learn to talt past events and tell a story.
  Such topic is interesting,so it is helpful to raise the learning interests of students.
  (1)In the first period Section A opens with a picture.This picture introduces the target language for students to practice the new language.
  All activities in this period introduce the key vocabulary and the target language.Activity 1c provides guided oral practice.Students can improve their listening and speaking skills.
  (2)In the second period all activities provide listening and speaking practice.Students can improve their listening and speaking skills by doing these activities.At the bottom of this page,there is a grammar focus box.It provides students with a clear revision of the adverbial clauses with when and while.
  (3)All activities in the third period provide reading,writing and speaking practice using the target language in this unit.Pairwork and groupwork present an opportunity for students to measure their vocabulary production against their comprehension and encourage students to use times to discuss their own experiences.Students can improve their integrating skills.
  (4)Section B introduces new vocabulary while recycling the target language presented in Section A.In the fourth period all activities give students a chance to remember more vocabulary words.And also students can have an oral practice using the target language.
  (5)Students can improve their reading skill by doing Activity 4 in the fifth period.Activity 4a gives students a chance to practice writing a story using the target language.Activity 4b lets students practice their speaking and listening skills in role plays.
  (6)Self check section helps students review all key vocabulary as well as new grammar items.It ends with a cartoon using the target language in an amusing way.
  (7)In the last period of this unit I’ll deal with the reading.All activities in this period encourage students to use the reading strategy for comprehension.This can help students improve their reading skill and ability of understanding.In this period students will learn about some different customs in different countries.This helps students know about different cultures in different countries.
  2.Teaching Aims and Demands
  (1)Knowledge Objects
  In this unit students learn to talt past events and tell a story.
  (2)Ability Objects
  To improve students’ ability of listening,speaking,reading and writing.
  To improve students’ ability of communication.
  To improve students’ ability of integrating skills.
  (3)Sensibility and Value
  To enable to cooperate with other students,help each other and complete the tasks together.
  To be able to learn about the customs in different countries.
  3.Teaching Key Point
  To be able to master the key vocabulary words and the target language in this unit.
  4.Teaching Difficulty
  To train students how to use the target language correctly in speaking and writing.
  5.Studying Ways
  To teach students to use context.
  To teach students how to make role playing.

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