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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二下学期试卷
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  • 资源大小: 119 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/15 0:23:15
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. ---What do you think of the man you have just interviewed?
  ---He gave me a(an) _________ that he was not very _______about the job.
  A. expression; eager  B. impression; enthusiastic   C. idea; anxious   D. impression; interested
  2.  ________ the necessary equipment, the seriously wounded man had to be sent to another hospital for the operation.
  A. lacking     B. Lacking of     C. For lack of    D. Lacking in
  3.  Standing on the platform of the railway station, the old father waved and waved until he _______his daughter.
  A. lost sight of    B. lost his sight of    C. was out sight of    D. lost the sight of
  4.  People tend to live more happily and longer if they are ________ about life.
  A. pessimistic    B. enthusiastic    C. optimistic     D. terrific
  5. The policeman was ________ abusing his power when performing his duty, but it hasn’t been ______ yet.
  A. charged with; approved  B. blamed for; approved C. assessed ; proved D. accused of; proved
  6. –Why hasn’t Mr. Wang, section editor of the newspaper, arrived for the meeting?
  --Sorry, I ______ to ______ him of the meeting.
  A. forget; remind   B. have forgotten,  tell   C. forgot; inform   D. forgot; notice
  7. Who else can I _______for help, if not _______?
  A. count on; he    B. account on; him   C. rely on; he   D. depend on; him
  8.The news shocked the public, ____________ to great concern about students’ safety at school.
  A. having led    B. led      C. leading    D. to lead
  9. What you said at the meeting was not quite ________. To many audience, it was totally ________.
  A. in the place; out of the place      B. in place; out of place 
  C. in the place; out of place         D. in place; out of the place
  10. She likes to have everything in place so that she can ________them when they are needed.
  A. have a hand in      B. place hands on     C. put her hands on   D. lay her hand on
  11. Knowing how to apply first aid really _________ in case of emergency. It can save lives.
  A. makes difference    B. has a difference    C. makes a difference   D.  is different
  12. Jane told me she would not attend the conference _________ .
  A. if he invited     B. when inviting     C. unless invited        D. while inviting
  13. ________more attention, the trees would have grown better.
  A. Given    B. Being given   C. Having given    D. Give
  14. When the housewife returned home, she was ______ to see a stranger ______on the sofa, _____ and asleep.
  A. surprised; seating; drunk    B. surprising; seated; drinking 
  C. surprised; seated; drunk     D. surprising; sitting; drinking

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