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  • 更新时间: 2011/4/15 1:18:44
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What can we know about Ben?
  A. He sings well.         B. He plays guitar well.       C. He is good at playing drums.
  2. According to the man, what did Bill do last night?
  A. He moved the piano by himself.             B. He played the piano by himself.
  C. He read a funny book and told a joke.
  3. What’s the matter with the woman?
  A. She doesn’t want to talk with others.          B. She needs a quiet place.
  C. She is a stranger here.
  4. What does the man do probably?
  A. A teacher.             B. A firefighter.              C. A repairman.
  5. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. Christmas tree.             B. Christmas dinner.         C. Christmas gifts.
  6. Where did the boy paint the pictures?
  A. At school.                B. At home.              C. In his friend’s.
  7. What are in the sky in the pictures?
  A. Houses.                     B. planes.               C. Trees.
  8. When does the man take his winter holiday?
  A. During the third week of January.            B. During the second week of January.
  C. During the third week of February.
  9. Which sport is mentioned in the conversation?
  A. Skating.                   B. Surfing                C. Skiing.
  10. Why doesn’t the woman want to spend her weekend with the man?
  A. She likes to stay at home.     B. She dislikes cold weather.   C. She doesn’t like any sport.
  11. When does the conversation most likely take place?
  A. On Friday.                 B. On Sunday.              C. On Monday.
  12. What did the man do when the woman phoned him?
  A. He went out shopping.     B. He went on a river trip.  C. He visited his friends.
  13. Why did the woman call the man?
  A. To ask him to see Tom.      B. To invite him to dinner.     C. To tell him about the trip.
  14. Who is the woman probably?
  A. The man’s friend.        B. The man’s teacher.     C. Tom’s wife.
  15. What did the man think of the exams?
  A. Too easy.               B. A bit easy.             C. Too hard.
  16. What does the woman want to do after the exams?
  A. Do some reading.      B. Go to Bob’s party.       C. Visit some universities.
  17. What kind of person is the woman?
  A. Hard.                  B. Serious.               C. Troublesome.
  18. Where did the speaker speak to Carlos?
  A. At his home.                  B. At his office.           C. At his hotel.
  19. How did the team feel about the next day’s game?
  A. Worried.                     B. Confident              C. Excited
  20. Why did Carlos keep the names of the starting players a secret?
  A. He wanted every player to be fully prepared for the game.
  B. He hadn’t made the final decision about it.
  C. He wanted to give the fans a surprise.

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