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  英 语 试 题
  命、审题人:阳家洪   敬小英   
  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)
  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had_________today.
  A.as tiring a day as  B.as a tiring day   C.tiring as a day as       D.day as tiring as
  2.—Your head teacher says you are reliable and punctual. You are never late for school,are you?
  —___________ .
  A. No,sometimes    B. Yes,sometimes   C. Yes,I did  D. No,I do
  3. Many a time,the Chinese government urged that American government stop selling advanced weapons to Taiwan,but it__________ listen,__________Sino-US relations.
  A. won’t;damaging   B. wouldn’t;damaging  
  C. shouldn’t; to damage  D. wouldn’t:to damage
  4.To meet the need of the London Olympic Games         in 2012, many new stadiums are reported to________ in Britain.
  A. held;be constructed  B. to be held;have constructed
  C. to be held;be being constructed D. to be held;be constructing
  5.The coach will choose two boys to enter for the competition,Ma Long and          ,who ________ good at playing table tennis.
  A. Me;am   B. I;am    C. me;are  D. I;are
  6.You should be careful of such a person           flatters you in your presence and speaks ill of you in behind.
  A. who  B. that     C. as      D. which
  7.一Mare you read the directions before using the software.
  —           .
  A. Had it B. Made it  C. Got it    D. Heard it
  8.The new law to punish the drunk driver has come into           since it passed.
  A. effect B. use      C. being     D. power
  9. —How did your mathematics exam go?
  —I thought I           ,but in fact I fell behind in the class.
  A. should have been the top 10 B. could have been the top 10
  C. may have been the top 10 D. need have been the top 10
  10.His long service with the education was          with a thirty-year teaching qualification.
  A. admitted   B. attributed   C. advocated   D. acknowledged
  11. Any one seen carrying bags, boxes, or _________ was stopped and examined by the police.
  A. no matter what  B. wh

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