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  • 更新时间: 2011/2/24 13:40:56
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  命题人:杨怡 闫晓璐 代亮 敬玉琥  审题人:张姣  
  1、 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两;所有答案均填涂和写在答题卷上。部分
  2、 本堂考试120分钟,满分150分;本试卷共13页
  3、 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、学号填写在答题卷上,并使用2B铅笔填涂;主观题部分用黑色钢笔书写。答题卷密封线内必须按照要求填写。

  第一部分  英语知识运用
  第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  1. Now the woods was silent ________the leaves, and the boy was trembling _______ terror.
  A. but, by      B. apart from, at    C. besides, of      D. except for, with
  2. He likes ______ music so much that I think it right to buy him _____ Mp4 as _____ birthday present.
  A. /, a, a       B. /, an, a         C. the, a, the        D. the, an, a 
  3. If I hadn’t stood under the ladder to catch you, you _________ now.
  A. wouldn’t be smiling                 B. couldn’t have smiled
  C. won’t smile                        D. didn’t smile
  4. Up till now, full use of this theory has been ________ in building large ocean-going ships.
  A. done             B. made          C. laid             D. taken
  5. ---I was trying to carry out the plan, but I failed.
  ---Well, you _________, for we were uncertain it would do ________.
  A. needn’t do that, in fact                B. needn’t have done, in effect      
  C. needn’t have, in practice              D. needn’t, in time
  6. All the essays _____________, the teacher sent the students home.
  A. having written and collected         B. having been written and collected
  C. being written and collected            D. to be written and collected
  7. ---Mist have known that.
  ---No, he ________. How _______ he?
  A. mustn’t, must   B. may not, might   C. couldn’t, can  D. needn’t, need
  8. The little girl couldn’t ________ the problem. She wasn’t ________ clever.
  A. get through, very                    B. mat, much
  C. wort, that                      D. get across, so

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