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  • 更新时间: 2011/3/20 7:06:52
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  1. Everything comes with ___ price; there is no such ___thing as a free lunch in the world.
  A. a, a             B.  the, a.         C . the, /      D. a, /
  2. It was not the cyclist but the driver who ____ for the traffic accident.
  A. was blamed      B. was to blame     C. was to be blamed   D. were to blame
  3. We spent many years studying the formation of rocks, experiencing many sufferings. At last, our hard work _______, and we made it.
  A. paid off   B. paid back       C. gave away      D. came out
  4. That is the only way we can imagine    the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.                                                                    
  A. reducing         B. to reduce       C. reduced          D. reduce
  5. ---I didn’t invite him to the party but he came anyway and got completely drunk.
  ---__________he hadn’t come! The party could have been a success.
  A. How come    B. Only if   C. What if  D. If only
  6. Nowadays, many people walk to work______ Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle to cope with global warming.
  A. in relation to     B. in response to     C. in addition to     D. in opposition to
  7. If I       you would drop in,I would have stayed home, waiting for you.
  A. have known   B. knew     C. would know     D. had known
  8. ---Let’s go Dutch for this supper, OK?
  ---No, _______ this time, as a reward for all your help.
  A. it’s up to you     B. it’s my treat      C. let’s talt it    D. it doesn’t matter
  9. Many experts stick to the view __teacher development is _the key to quality education lies.
  A. which; where   B. which; in which  C. that; where   D. that; in which
  10. Though ______ many times, the mistake is still being made by some students.
  A. corrected B. being corrected C. correcting D. having corrected
  11. ______ I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.
  A. While B. Now that C. Unless D. Even
  12. So convenient __to pay by credit card that more and more people apply for their credit cards.
  A. do people find  B. people find it   C. find people     D. do people find it
  13. __________twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck, is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.
  A.Examining   B.Examined  C.Being examined   D.Having been examined
  14. The driver got out of the car______ it caught fire.
  A.directly         B.that      C.unless       D.until
  15.-Can I pay the bill by check?
  -Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment ___be made in cash.
  A.shall    B.need   C.will   D.can
  16. A reading room is ________ you can read newspapers and magazines as well as books.
  A.in which      B.that      C.where      D.the place
  17.—Did you notice that guy almost hit a kid on a bicycle?
  —No. I ______ the other way. 
  A. was looking   B. looked    C. have looked      D. am looking
  18. After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane ____her job as a volunteer doctor in the countryside.
  A. took up  B. made up    C. turned up    D. set up
  19. Rather than ______on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____home.
  A. riding; to cycle  B. riding; cycling  C. to ride; cycling  D. ride; to cycle
  20. It was ____ that the tourists wanted to spend more time taking pictures outdoors.
  A. so fine weather      B. such fine weather  
  C. so fine a weather      D. such a fine weather
  What I Want for You and Every Child in America
  Dear Malia and Sasha,
  I know that you've both had a lot of  21  these last two years on the campaign trail, going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food your mother and I probably shouldn't have let you have.But I also know that it hasn't always been easy for you and Mom, and that as excited as you both are about that new puppy(小狗), it doesn't  22  for all the time we've been apart.I know  23  I've missed these past two years, and today I want to tell you a little more about why I decided to tar family on this journey.
  When I was a young man, I thought life was all about me, about how I'd  24   my way in the world, become successful, and get the things I want.But then the two of you came into my  25  with all your curiosity and mischief (捣乱)and those smiles that never  26   to fill my heart and light up my day.
  I want all our children to go to schools  27   of their potential-schools that challenge them, inspire them, and instill (灌输)in them a sense of  28   about the world around them.I want them to have the chance to go to college  29  their parents aren't rich.A

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