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  科目:    英语          主备人:                       备课日期:             
  课    题 Other countries,Other cultures 第   课时 计划上课日期
  教学目标 1. learn about some symbols of different cultures around the world
  2. Practise the students’ spoken English .
  教学流程\内容\板书 关键点拨
  Welcome to the unit
  Step 1. Greeting
  Step 2. Presentation
  Defferent countries have developed their different cultures over time. Learning about other countries and their cultures is a particularly enriching experience. In this section, students will loor different pictures, of either a landscape or poeople, each of which represents a country.
  Step 3. Brainstorming
  1. The topic of this unit relates to the cultrues of different countries. Students who are not familiar with or are not interested in this topic may need some encouragement. Before class, encourage students to do some research on the unit topic and prepare a presentation. You may asdnets to focus their research on English-speantries, i.e, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Organize students into small groups of four and assign each group a different country. Remind weadents that they can choose either one or some of the following subjects to research:
  1. geography (area, climate, animals, plants, cities, etc.)
  2. history
  3. society (population, language, government, education, etc/)
  4. culture (lifestyle, customs, arts , etc.)
  2. Arouse students’ interest by showing them the following pictures:
  1. a picture of a kangaroo(Australia)
  2. a picture of the Eiffel Tower (France)
  3. a picture of a tulip (the Netherlands)
  4. a picture of William Shakespeare(the UK)
  5. a picture of a woman wearing a kimono(Japan)
  Then asdents the following questions:
  ① If each picture represents one country in the world, which countries do you think of?
  ② Why do you think that the images in these pictures represent those countries?
  ③ Have you ever been to one of those countries? If you have, what has impressed you most?
  ④ What kind of images do we usually use to symbolize a country? ( An animal, a building, a flower, a great person, a costume, etc.)
  Encourage students to express their ideas freely.
  3. Organize a class presentation and ask each group to report their research, which they will have done before the class, to their classmates. This activity helps students get prepared for this unit. Praise students for any parts they do well in.
  Step 4 Sharing information
  1. Organize students into groups of four.
  Have students read the instructions and study the four pictures one by one. Asestions about the four pictures and provide them with useful information . Here are some sample questions:
  Who are the people in the picture
  What is the man in the picture ?
  What can you see in the picture
  What does this opera house look like?
  What are these two skyscrapers called?
  科目:     英语          主备人:                       备课日期:             
  课    题 Other countrie,sother cultures 第   课时 计划上课日期
  教学目标 1. train the students’ ability of reading comprehension.
  2. Learn about some information about Canada.
  教学重难点 The information about Canada.
  教学流程\内容\板书 关键点拨
  Step 1. Greeting
  Step2 Revision
  Revise the contents about the symbols of different countries in Welcome to this unit.
  Step3 Lead- in
  1. Begin this lesson with the following activities:
  1. Students who are interested in Canda will find this unit interesting. Others may need a little encouragement. Raise students’ interest in this topic by asdents the following questions:
  When we talt Canaada, what do you think of?
  What is Canada famous for?
  Can you name some famous cities in Canada?
  What are the official languages that are used in Canada?
  Have you ever heard anything interesting about Canada?
  Encourage students to do some research on this topic before class.
  2. If possible , present a map of Canada to students. Ask them the following questions and ask them to mark their answers on the map:
  What is the capital city of Canada and where is it?
  Where is the largest city, Toronto, located?
  Where is the second largest city, Montreal, located?
  Where is Vancouver, the city with the largest Chinese population, located?
  Where is Edmonton, a city in the province of Alberta, lacated?
  The obove activities would help students learn about this unit with more nterest.
  2. Tell students that they are gong to read a passage titled Canada--- land of the maple tree. Before students read the text, ask tehm to thint what subjects will be covered in the passage. Then asdents to create a spider gram to organize their ideas. For example:
  Society           Canada             food
  Geography                            history
  Tell stendents that all information may not be included in the text . so they may create a variety of subjects in their spidergram. Encourage students to provide details about their subjicts. For example, Canada, -- geography—climate--- cold, etc.
  3/ help students predict the subjects tha twill be mentioned in this reading passage. They may have a further cxheck after reading the passage.
  Step4 reading comprehension
  1. Asdents to go through the text as quickly as possible anc try to find the answers to the three questions in PartA. Remind studnets to only forcus on the information needed to answer these questions.
  2. asdents to read the passage again and complete C1and C2 Questions in Part C1 checdents’ reading comprehension and improve their ability to find specific information. PartC2 serve as a strngthening activity which allows students to identify the cities mentioned in the reading passage. Mare that students can distunguish and pict the relevant information within the given time. After students finish the exercises, check the answeres as a xlass.
  3. asdents to read the Reading stragegy and remind them to concentrate on how to sort the information into sections.
  科目:     英语          主备人:                       备课日期:             
  课    题 Other countries, other cultures 第   课时 计划上课日期
  教学目标 Learn the use of the new words and phrases in the text
  教学重难点 Countless, freezing rank dynamic, etx
  教学流程\内容\板书 关键点拨
  Step1 Greeting
  Step2 revision
  Go over the contents learned last class
  Step 3 lead- in
  Learn some new words and phases in the text
  1. countless
  adj 无数的,数不清的
  count  v  数,重要
  Eg. Every point in this game counts.
  It is what you do not what you say that counts.
  The fact that she had apologized counted for nothing with him.
  count sb\sth as
  Count your blossings知足
  Don't count your chickens (before they are hatched)
  Don't count on it没指望,靠不住
  2. freeze
  vt (froze, frozen)
  freeze….. to death 冻死
  be frozen with 因(害怕等)停住不动,惊|吓呆
  freezing    adj极冷的 freezing point
  frozen     adj 冻僵的,惊呆的
  3. create  v. 创造    recreate再创造
  recreation  n.娱乐,消遣        recreatioal  adj.
  4. cross—country   adj 越野的
  cross  n 十字形记号,十字架;v. 横穿  adj生气的,恼怒的
  crossing   n.十分字路口
  cross that bridge when you come to it
  cross you fingers
  5. rank   n. 军衔,地位,等级
  social rank
  vt\ vi 把….分等级,属于….等级
  She ranked her students according to their grades.
  He ranks among the best students of his grade
  Last year , she ranked second among her age group.

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