(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit1-Unit5全套学案(共5份)
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【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit1-Unit5 全套学案
【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit1 A land of diversity.doc
【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit2 Cloning.doc
【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit3 Inventors and inventions.doc
【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit4 Pygmalion.doc
【人教新课标】(广东专用)2012届高中英语一轮复习精品学案:M8 Unit5 Meeting your ancestors.doc
Unit 1 A land of diversity
上午 海边拍照片、沙滩散步、海中游泳
中午 啤酒城吃海鲜、吃烧烤、喝青岛啤酒
下午 崂山爬山、看风景
参考词汇:海鲜 seafood; 啤酒城 Beer Castle; 烧烤 barbecue
Sunday, October 1Fine
Today, I with my foreign friend Jack, visited some places of interest in Qingdao. Early in the morning, we first went to the attractive seaside, where we took some photos, walked on the sands and swam in the sea as much as we liked. At noon, we visited the famous Beer Castle and ate much delicious seafood and barbecue there, drinking the wellknown Qingdao
Beer, from which we learned more about this modern city. After lunch, we drove to Mountain Lao and on the mountain we enjoyed the wonderful scenery of green trees and white clouds.
Unit 2 Cloning
参考词汇:复制 copy; 物种消失 the disappearance of living things; 没有生育能力的人 people unable to have children
In modern times, scientists can copy or clone the things which many people want to own. As we know, cloning has some advantages. It can prevent from the disappearance of living things in the world and enable us to get a new one of the old. Besides, with the cloning technology, people unable to have children can realize their
Unit 3 Inventors and inventions
根据以下内容,介绍一下周星驰Stephen Chow。
兴趣爱好:从小酷爱武术,是李小龙(Bruce Lee)的影迷
参考词汇:《长江七号》Yangtze River 7; 《功夫》 Hustle;武术 martial arts; 香港电影金像奖 Hong Kong Film Award
Stephen Chow was born on June 22, 1962 in Hong Kong. As the only boy of his family, he grew up in Shanghai along with his three sisters. In his childhood, he was fascinated by Bruce Lee and addicted to martial arts. Having appeared in more than 50 films and won numerous Hong Kong Film Awards,
Unit 4 Pygmalion
参考词汇:文化背景 cultural bacnds; 文化冲突 cultural shock
With different cultural bacnds and different languages, people often misunderstand each other when talking, even if the language is accurate. For different people, the same word or the same expression can turn out to be a different meaning. Because of cultural differences,
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
参考词汇:木乃伊 mummies; 秘鲁的一个墓地 a Peruvian cemetery; 复杂的文身图案 complex tattoo patterns; 陪葬品 burials
Speaking of mummies, people always immediately think of Egypt. But the recent news goes that a female mummy was also found in a Peruvian cemetery. What is more unusual is that this mummy's arms and other parts of the body were engraved with complex tattoo patterns. Its burials of jewellery, gold, and other graved goods were also very delicate and elegant. The archaeologists infer that this mummy should be an important figure during her lifetime.
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