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  • 更新时间: 2016/6/18 10:17:27
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  1.What would the man like to eat?
  2.Why doesn’t the man like to read newspapers?
  A.He has no interest in newspapers.B.There is no news in it.
  C.It takes too much time.
  3.When does the conversation take place?
  A.Before Christmas.B.Before Thanksgiving.C.Before Halloween.
  4.Where was Henry born according to the conversation?
  5.What are the two speakers probably talking about?
  A.Job application.B.The reason for working for this company.
  C.A new challenge.
  6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
  A.Saleswoman and customer.B.Good friends.C.Manager and employee.
  7.Which car do you think the man will prefer?    ’
  8.What does Zhang Hua do?
  A.A guide.B.An agent.C.A waiter.
  9.What is Mr. Jim Stewart most thirsty for when he arrives in China?
  A.A meal.B.A sleep.C.A sauna.
  10.Where do you suppose Li Lin is now?
  A.In New York.B.In London.C.At the airport.
  11.What would Li Lin like to do now?
  A.Revise his air ticket.B.Telephone the airline.C.Book a ticket.
  12.When is Li Lin going to fly to London from New York?
  A.The day before yesterday.B.The next day.C.On 25th, October.
  13.What kind of disease does Jenny think her boyfriend might suffer from?
  A.Leg.B.Athlete’s foot.C.Skin.
  14.What does Jenny suggest to cure her boyfriend’s athlete’s foot?
  A.Use some cream to clear out the bacteria on his foot.
  B.Take care of it before it gets worse.
  C.Keep his feet dry and clean more often.
  15.What can we infer from the conversation?
  A.Jenny also had athlete’s foot.B.Jenny is also a surgeon.
  C.Jenny’s athlete’s foot isn’t cured yet.
  16.What should we do if we want to stop the fungus growing and spreading quickly?
  A.Wash our feet constantly.B.r feet dry and clean.
  C.See a doctor once a month.
  17.How many important autumn festivals are mentioned in the conversation?
  18.What does the man think of the weather of fall?
  A.Neither hot nor cold.B.Both hot and coo1.C.Either cool or hot.
  19.What changes will happen to the leaves in autumn7    .
  A.The leaves turn from green to yellow directly.
  B.The leaves turn from green to orange and brown gradually.
  C.The leaves turn from green to brown and orange,finally yellow.
  20.Which statement is TRUE about autumn according to the speaker?
  A. It’s a rainy season to spend time watching TV.
  B. It’s a beautiful season to see the fallen leaves.
  C. It’s a colorful season to hold various ball games.
  Do you dream of being a reporter or an editor? Are you a good writer who loves the news? If so, then you may have what it takes to be a winner in the TFK Kid Reporter Talent Search.
  We’re looking for 12 students from around the nation to be members of the TFK Kid Reporter Team for the 2015-2016 school year. Next year’s team will continue the tradition of reporting local and regional news stories for TIME FOR KIDS magazine and TIME FOR KIDS online.
  Professional(职业的)journalists from TIME magazine and TIME FOR KIDS will select this exclusive team. In the past, TFK kid Reporters have:
  Interviewed national leaders, celebrities and other newsmakers.
  Written news stories, reviews and opinion pieces for TIME FOR KIDS.
  Appeared on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Today and The Tonight Show with another famous kid Jay Leno to talt their work.
  How to Enter
  Get the official rules at time for kids. com/contest.
  Entries must be postmarked by Dec. 20, 2015. Good luck!
  21. This ad is written for ________.
  A. professional reporters and editors B. student reporters and editors
  C. kids who are interested in politics D. kids who love to write news
  22. If you want to become a TFK Kid reporter, you must _______.
  A. write news stories for local newspapers
  B. sign up through TFK’s official website
  C. post your entries before Dec 20, 2015
  D. know a lot about the newspaper and its style
  23. Winners of the talent search will be able to do all the following EXECPT _____.
  A. write reports on celebrities and other newsmakers
  B. become a professional journalist for TIME magazine
  C. write down their opinions for TIME FOR KIDS
  D. share their working experiences with other kids on famous media

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