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  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的的四个选项(A B C D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  Every day Lillian weber makes another dress for a small child she’ll never meet .I could
  probably make two a day,but I only make one,”she says . The dresses are collected and sent overseas to little girls in Africa by a Christian group called“Little Dresses for Africa”.
  In the past two years she's made more than 840 dresses and she plans to make 1 50 more by May 6th of next year.You see,by next May,Lillian will turn 1 00 years old and it will be her one thousandth dress.In Lillian’s Scott County farmhouse are completed dresses for little girls,made from a pattern,but each with extra individual details,designed to give each child a little extra pride.
  “She personalizes them all,”says Lillian’s daughter,Linda Purcell.“It’s not like good enough that she makes the dresses.and she has to put something on the front  to make it look special , to give it her touch(装饰) .”What started as a hobby has become a daily labor of love.
  “I just think she’s somebody to look up to,somebody not just sitting around and wasting her life,”says Tonya Urbatsch,who nominated(提名)Lillian for the“Pay It Forward ”award.“I’m amazed at her every day,”adds Linda.“I'm very,very proud of my mother.”Family and friends will continue to be proud of Lillian,well after her 1000th dress.After all,1000 is just a number.“When I get to that thousand,if I'm able to,1 won't quit.I'll go at it again.”
  When Lillian is finished with her dresses,her daughters deliver them to “Little Dresses for Africa”,founded in 2008 in Michigan.Its founder,Rachel O’Neill,says 2.5 million dresses have been distributed to orphanages,churches,and schools in Africa.Rachel says she’s traveling to Africa again and hopes to be able to present to a child one of the dresses personally made by Lillian.
  21.According to the passage,Lillian _____ .
  A.will have made 990 dresses by May 6th of next year
  B.will keep making dresses after turning 100 years old
  C.makes dresses to win the “Pay It Forward”award
  D.makes dresses to kill the time

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