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  • 更新时间: 2016/3/28 11:04:20
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  (养正中学2017届高二期末联考)   2016.02
  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1. What does the man want?
  A. A leather suit.       B. A piece of leather.       C. A pair of leather shoes.
  2. Who was absent from dinner last night?
  A. Robert.            B. George.            C. Kate.
  3. How often does the woman eat out?
  A. Five times a month.  B. Four times a week.   C. Five times a week.
  4. What was Patrick’s former apartment possibly like?
  A. Quite noisy.         B. Rather remote.       C. Very comfortable.
  5. Which program does the woman want to watch?
  A. A movie.           B. A fashion show.      C. International news.
  6. What made the girl sick?
  A. The nightmares.        B. The plane trip.      C. Visiting the Palace.
  7. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. In London.         B. In New York.       C. In San Francisco.
  8. What has the woman’s family started to do?
  A. Use cars that run on natural gas.
  B. Bring their own bags to the grocery store.
  C. Recycle plastic bottles and metal cans.
  9. Who uses a solar cell?
  A. The man’s father.    B. The man’s uncle.     C. The man’s co-worker.
  10. What is the weather like in the woman’s hometown at this time of year?
  A. Very hot.           B. Rather rainy.          C. Changeable.
  11. Where did the woman and her husband have a walk last week?
  A. In a park.          B. In the countryside.    C. At the seaside.
  12. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The woman and her husband lost their raincoats.
  B. The woman and her husband sheltered from the rain.
  C. The woman got a bad cold.
  13. What does the man want to do this summer?
  A. Visit Scotland.      B. Earn some money.       C. Go to the mountains.
  14. How long will the woman spend her summer in Scotland?
  A. Seven weeks.        B. Six weeks.             C. Five weeks.
  15. What will be the woman’s regular work in the hotel?
  A. Setting the table.   B. Parking cars for guests.    C. Selling drinks and things.
  16. Where did the woman find her job?
  A. On the Internet.     B. In a newspaper.             C. In a book.
  17. How long before show time does the box office open?
  A. 25 minutes.           B. 35 minutes.                C. 45 minutes.
  18. What movie will start at 3:45 pm?
  A. Return to Mars II.    B. Road Trip.              C. Friends Forever.
  19. How much does a regular ticket cost a 16-year-old boy on Monday?
  A. $2.00.             B. $4.50.                 C. $6.00.
  20. On which day can a family of five see a movie with $10?
  A. Tuesday.             B. Thursday.              C. Saturday.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
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