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  • 更新时间: 2013/5/9 21:21:27
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  命题人:赵秀梅   审题人: 张纯秀
  第一部分  听力 (共两节, 满分30 分)
  1.What does the woman mean?
  A.Putting off the meeting.  B.Cancelling the meeting. C.Holding the meeting on time.
  2. Who didn’t go to the exhibition?
  A.The speakers’ classmates. B.The man speaker.  C.The woman speaker.
  3. What is the woman doing now?
  A.Listening to the radio.    B.Turning down the radio.  C.Writing an application.
  4. What time should the woman meet Judy?
  A.At 8:00.           B.At 7:30.           C.At 7:20.  
  5. What does Lucy probably do?
  A.A  teacher.         B.A  typist.           C.An engineer.
  6. What will the man do this evening?
  A.Have dinner with his friends.              B.Visit the woman.
  C.See some friends off.
  7. What’s wrong with the woman?
  A.She’s taken too many aspirins.
  B.She’s got a headache.
  C.She didn’t sleep well last night.
  8. What will the woman probably do this evening?
  A.Do some washing.    B.See her sister.  C.See a doctor.
  9. What’s the population of Dalian?
  A.About 7 million.    B.About 5 million.   C.About 6 million.
  10. What type of buildings are mentioned in the conversation?
  A.Italian.            B.Russian.         C.Japanese.
  11. What can we know from the conversation?
  A.There are about 46 squares in Dalian.
  B.The woman has never been to Dalian.
  C.Renmin Square was destroyed during the war.
  12. With whom did the woman go to Guilin?
  A.Her classmates.       B.Her mother.        C.Her father.  
  13. How will the man go to Guilin?
  A.By train.             B.By car.           C.By plane.
  14. How did the woman feel about her journey?
  A.Frightened.           B.Disappointed.      C.Satisfied.   
  15. What can we know about Mr. Wang?
  A.He is badly ill.
  B.He is interviewing some applicants.
  C.He is having a meeting.
  16. Where is Mr. Brown going?
  A.To the company.        B.To his apartment.      C.To the hotel.
  17. Which of the following is TRUE?
  A.The man may stay in Shanghai for at least two months.
  B.The man likes Shanghai so much because of its good weather.
  C.  It is the first time the woman has come to Shanghai.
  18. What kind of family usually has a van?
  A.That is very rich.
  B.That 1ives far away from the city center.
  C.That has more than two children.
  19. What did Mr. Hagen and his wife do before they bought a van?
  A.They sold their second car.
  B.They sold their old house.
  C.They moved to their grandparents’ house.
  20. For what purpose do Americans use a motor home?
  A.They can drive their children to school every day.
  B.They can travel with all the family members for holiday.
  C.They can put more things in it.
  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)
  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21.The old professor has three sons,________are doctors.
  A.all of them    B.all of whom        C.all of that    D.all of which
  22 The beggar’s suffering couldn’t arouse any ________ ,who had lost his shirts because of being addicted to gambling.
  A. satisfaction       B. sympathy          C. assistance        D. dignity
  23.The stream________during the hot summer, but it is full of water in spring.
  A.dries up        B.dries out          C.dries off       D.dries on
  24.Tom pretended________it, but in fact, he knew it very well.
  A.not listen to                B.not to hear about
  C.not to have heard about                 D.to be not listening to
  25.Apart from being good at teamwork,he is tall,strong and athletic.________,he is the best choice for the coming basketball match.
  A.All in all     B.In addition      C.After all        D.By the way
  26.The stable political and economical situation is considered ____ to the growth of town enterprises.
  A.effective       B.beneficial      C.beneficent       D.efficient
  27.I________you that we should not________their plan.
  A.agree to;agree with           B.agree with;

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