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  • 更新时间: 2013/4/21 22:05:03
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  第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)
  1.Mary couldn't remember when she first met Mr.Andersen, but she was sure it was__ Sunday because everybody was at __ church.
  A./; the        B.the;/     C.a; /            D./; a
  2.- I'd rather have some wine, if you don't mind.
  -__.Don't forget that you'11 drive.
  A.Anything but that                   B.By all means
  C.Take it easy                  D.I wouldn't say no to this
  3.- Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.
  - What do you think of__, over there?
  A.the one B.this        C.it      D.that
  4.- Look! Somebody __ the blackboard.
  - Well, it wasn't me.I didn't do it.
  A.is cleaning             B.was cleaning       
  C.had cleaned       D.has cleaned
  5.It was a small room,_    _it afforded a fine view of the old city.
  A.so        B.for         C.or        D.but
  6.- Cinderella has been learning Chinese in Beijing University for the past four years.
  - No wonder she __ above her colleagues in Chinese.
  A.stands out              B.stict           
  C.comes out        D.sorts out
  7.The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog __ them.
  A.to follow               B.following           
  C.followed          D.follows
  8.- It's so cold! Why are your windows still open?
  - Oh, they __.
  A.aren't closing        B.won't close      
  C.won't be closed        D.aren't closed
  9.The map is one of the best tools a man has __ he goes to a new place.
  A.whenever           B.whatever       
  C.wherever            D.however
  10.We __ the difficulty together, but why didn't you tell me?
  A.should face                        B.might face
  C.could have faced                D.must have faced
  11.The shocking news made me realize __ terrible problems we would have.
  A.what                  B.how               
  C.that              D.why
  12.The new movie __ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.
  A.promises               B.proposes            
  C.preserves         D.provides
  13.-I think the book is as interesting as it is instructive.
  - It could never be____.It is well worth reading.
  A.truer                   B.true               
  C.the truest          D.as true
  14.Such a fierce dog __ that we had to wait outside before we could get into his yard.
  A.has he had              B.did he have          
  C.he had            D.he has had

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