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  • 更新时间: 2013/3/19 17:39:28
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  . 1. How will the man go to Chicago?
  A. By bus.    B. By air.    C. By car.
  2. What does the woman think of the skirt?
  A. It’s too expensive.  B. It’s fashionable.     C. She dislikes the style.
  3. How long will it take the speakers to go to the play?
  A. Half an hour.   B. An hour.  C. One hour and a half.
  4. What does the man go to Wimbledon to do every year?
  A. Watch tennis matches.  B. Play tennis matches. C. Watch baseball matches.
  5. Where did the man go last weekend?
  A. To the lake.  B. To the mountains. C. To the city center.
  听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
  6. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Teacher and student.  B. Classmates.  C. Colleagues.
  7. What does the man think of Miss White?
  A. She was too critical.  B. She was honest.  C. She was right.  
  第一节 :单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. ---- Will you be able to finish your report today?
  ---- _____.
  A. I like it         B. I hope so         C. I’ll do so        D. I’d love it
  22. It is generally believed that honest and hard work ____ to success and happiness.
  A. contribute       B. benefit           C. protect         D. range
  23. Most of us enjoy fishing, swimming and ____ on the beach, and scientists and students have endless opportunities to study ____ life in the habitat.
  A. have fun, a lot of                 B. having fun, a lot of  
  C. having fun, a variety of            D. have fun, a variety of
  24. Doing morning exercises ____ our health and we _____ it.
  A. befefits to,,befenit         B. benefits, benefit from
  C. befenits from, benefit      D. benefits, are benefited by
  25. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ____ regularly, can improve our health.
  A. being carried out    B. carrying out   C. carried out     D. to carry out

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